Naftali ben Yaakov

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Naftali ben Yaakov was the second son of Bilah and was named by Rachel. He is the father to the Tribe of Naftali. Naftali would go out of his way to service and honor his father who would often send his as a messenger to perform various tasks. When Esav refused to allow the burial of Yackov in Mearos Hamacpala, Naftali ran back to Egypt to bring the contract.

[edit] Kever Naftali ben Yaakov

Naftali ben Yaakov is buried in Kodesh right near his brother right near his brother Asher. There is a stream near these kivarim.

[edit] Hillulah of Naftali ben Yaakov

The yahrzeit of Naftali falls out on the 3rd of Shevat.

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