Abba Shaul

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Aba Shaul
Abba Shaul
Part of Zissil Projects:
אבא שאול
Abba Saul
Mistakenly marked in Birya
29th of Nissan
A 3rd generation Tana.

Abba Shaul was a third generation Tana that is mentioned in the Mishna. He was born before the destruction of the 2nd Temple and gave over many testimonies about what he saw there. In his youth Aba Shaul studied under Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai but not long enough to be considered a student. He used to work as a gravedigger and related a few experience's from his career. An ancient but mistaken tradition places the Kever of Abba Shaul in a Biriya cave. This however was rebuffed by the holy Arizal who revealed through his Ruach Hakodesh that this kever belongs to a different Tzadik who he did not name.

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