Rabbi Zeira

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Rabbi Zeira was a leading third generation Babylonian Amora that moved to Eretz Yisroel. He is mentioned hundreds of times throughout the two Talmuds and his teachings are quoted by many proceeding Amoraim. Originally called Rav Zeira in the Talmud Bavli, he became known as Rabbi Zeira after receiving Smicha. In the Talmud Yerushalmi he is called Rabbi Ze'era. He lived to a very old age.



Rabbi Zeira was born in Bavel. His father was a layman who worked as a tax collector but was known for his exceptional piety. Orphaned in his youth, Rabbi Zeira went to study Torah in the academies of Surah under Rav Huna and later in Pumpadisa under Rav Yehuda. He also studied under the other leading Babylonian Amoaraim of the time including Rav Chisda, Rav Nachman and Rav Hamnuna.

Purim Death

One year Rabbi Zeira celebrated the Purim feast with Rabbah. During the meal they both got intoxicated and Rabbah slaughtered Rebbe Zeira. Upon sobering the next day, Rabbah prayed and Rebbe Zeira was brought back to life. When Rabbah invited Rabbi Zeira to the Purim meal the following year, he refused saying that miracles do not occur every day.

Yearning for Israel

Rabbi Zeira held of Eretz Yisroel in great esteem, saying that breathing its air makes an individual wiser and even the mundane conversations of its residents are Torah. He had a great yearning to move there but was prevented by his teacher Rav Yehuda who held it was forbidden to immigrate to Eretz Yisroel.

Before undertaking the trip, Rabbi Zeira fasted 100 times in order to forget the Torah he had studied in Bavel that was steeped in controversy so he could absorb the pure Torah of Eretz Yisroel without any impediments.

Eretz Yisroel

In Eretz Yisroel, Rabbi Zeira selected in Tiberias studying under Rabbi Yochanan and Resh Lakish and later under their students Rav Ami, Rav Asi and Rabbi Elazar ben Pidas.

Tiberias Thugs

Rabbi Zeira would befriend the mobsters of Tiberias in effort to make them repent, an act that was frowned upon by the other Sages. After his passing, the mobsters became realized that Rabbi Zeira's prayers would no longer save them from the retribution of their sins. They became frightened of the consequences and repented.

Long Life

Rabbi Zeira lived a very long life which he credited to never have acted temperamental in his home, never stepping in front of greater person then him, never walking four cubits with out donning Tefilin and thinking in Torah and for never having been joyous at the fall of his friends.

He also had a policy of always refusing gifts saying "one who hates gifts, will live". When invited to home of the Resh Galusa he would make an exception since they felt honored by his presents he considered that a form of compensation for anything he received from them.


Rabbi Zeira was short and had dark skin for which he was mocked for during his life especially after resettling in Eretz Yisroel.

Short Man With Burnt Legs


Little is known about the family of Rav Zeira other then his being orphaned during his youth and that he had a son named Ahava.

Kever Rabbi Zeira

Rabbi Zeira is buried in Arbel, North Israel.

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