Kivrei Tzadikim

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Kevarim of Tzadikim, Holy Places, Graves of the Righteous, Graves of Tzaddikim


No Decaying

Tzadikim that were perfect in this world and were fully Shomer Habris, their bodies do not decay after they pass away. There are a few cases where Kevarim of Tzadikim were transferred in recent years and the workers saw the bodies fresh as they day they passed away.




It is important to purify oneself by immersing in a Mikva before visiting Kivrei Tzadikim, this is especially true if a person has experienced an emission. If a person can not immerse in a Mikva he should try to do a mikvah alternative such as Tisha Kavim or Nitalas Yadaim 40 times. Even if a person can not do the above he should still visit the Kevarim of true Tzadikim and rely on their power to cleanse him. This is only true in cases where the Tzadik is buried alone like the Rashbi, however in cases where a person has to first pass through a cemetery filled with less then holy bodies, one should avoid doing so without immersing in the Mikva.

Stepping on Graves

Lighting Candles

Burial Strategy

In Galil

During the early times of the Mishna and Talmud, many Tzadikim were brought up North to be buried. Although the trip sometimes took 2-3 days this was done to establish holiness into the Galil, something which the Yerushalaim area naturally had due to the Bais Hamikdash.

From Bavel

Many Tzadikim were brought up from Babylon to be buried in Eretz Yisroel, a trip that often took a few weeks. Sometimes these Tzadikim were brought up right after their passing. Other times they were temporarily buried locally and were transferred at a later point.

Far Out

Often Tzadikim were buried in the places where they used to study Torah and do Hisbodedute and meditations. These locations were often far out from civilization to avoid disturbances, explaining why some kevarim are in middle of nowhere. Additionally kivrei tzadikim were often planted in strategic locations across the country to provide protection and implant holiness on their surrounding areas. There are also instances where the area of the kever was inhabited 2000 years ago but has become abandoned throughout history.

Near Roads

Sometimes Tzadikim were buried near main roads so they could be visited by all the travelers passing by. Since many roads in Northern Israel have changed little since Roman times, as can be attested to by their many turns and curves, these Kevarim are found on the roadside till this day.

Moving Kevarim

In recent time a number of kevarim were moved from Diaspora to Eretz Yisroel including Rabbi Chaim Vital and the Chida.

Tziyun Vs. Kever

Sometimes the exact location of the Kevarim are known. Other times the exact location is unknown. In these cases a Tziyun or marker Kever is created in the rough estimated location of the actual grave. Even if the Tziyun is not located exactly on the grave the soul of the Tzadik comes to dwell there once the location is accepted by the masses.



Vaad Hatzalos Kevrei Hakadmonim

Yisroel Meir Gabbai - Ohalei Tzadikim

Misrad Hadatot

Israeli Government Department of Religion - Mercaz Hartzi LiPituach Mekomas Hakedoshim - The Holy Sites Authority.

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