Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai

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Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai
Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai
רבי שמעון בר יוחאי
Other Names:
The Rashbi, Rebbe Shimon ben Yochai
Yochi, Simeon, Yohai
Lag Baomer = 18th of Iyyar
A 4th generation Tana, one of the all time leading kabbalists and the author of the Zohar.

Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai also known as the Rashbi was a 4th generation Tana and a student of Rabbi Akiva, recognized even in his youth for his greatness in Torah. He was one of the five student to receive Smicha from Rabbi Yehuda ben Bava and later from Rabbi Akiva following the death of his students. After being sentenced to death for making a negative remark about the Roman government, Rebbe Shimon was forced to flee along with his son Rebbe Elazar, hiding in a cave in Peki'in for 13 years. Great mysteries of the Torah were revealed to the Rashbi during the years he spent in the cave and upon emerging he founded the school that created the Zohar, one of the pillars of the Kabbalah. Often quoted in the Mishna under the name 'Rebbe Shimon', he also authored the basis of the Sefri. Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai is buried in Meron, his Kever being the most visited in the world, with over 600,000 visitors arriving to his Hillula on Lag Baomer. He is known to have been one of the five 'Tzadiki Yesod Olam' that existed throughout history.


Idra Zuta

On the day Rebbe Shimon passed away, he revealed many great mysteries of the Kabbalah to his students and this event is known as the Idra Zuta - the Lesser Assembly, in contrast to the Idra Raba - the Greater Assembly, where more students were present.

Seat by Achiya HaShiloni

When Rebbe Shimon became ill, Rabbi Pinchas, Rabbi Chiya, Rabbi Aba and the Chavarim came before him. They heard Rabbi Shimon say something but he had disappeared and they could not see him. They wondered and none could utter a word due to the great fear that fell upon them. Suddenly they began to smell heavenly fragrances that strengthened them and once again they saw Rebbe Shimon. He was talking to someone but they saw no one besides him. Time passed and then Rabbi Shimon questioned his students if they had seen something. Rabbi Pinchas responded that they had not but were all wondering regarding his disappearance, the heavenly fragrances from the Garden of Eden and his conversation with an invisible entity. Rabbi Shimon responded that they had taken him Above and shown him the seats of the Tzadikim in the Next World but he was only satisfied when he selected his seat near the Prophet Achiya HaShiloni.[1]

Stopping of the Sun

In middle of the Idra Zuta after noticing that the sun was setting Rabbi Shimon announced that "the day will not distance itself and settle in its place since the entire day is under his control",[2], therby holding the sun in place and preventing it from setting just like Yehoshua Bin Nun had done.[3]

Cave of Rabbi Shimon

The cave where Rebbe Shimon hid with his son is located in Peki'in.

Kever Rebbe Shimon

Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai is buried in Meron along with his son Rebbe Elazar. Their actual kever is in a cave which is now inaccessible but people pray at the tomb built above the cave with Matzevot aligned directly above the actual kivarim.

Hillula of Rabbi Shimon

The hillulah of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai is celebrated each year on Lag Baomer. Over 600,000 attend the celebrations in Meron.

Zayin Adar

Many people visit the tomb of the Rashbi on Zayin Adar for the Hillulah of Moshe Rabbenu since part of his soul was reincarnated in Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai and both of them held the position of the Tzadik Yesod Olam who could associate with all Jewish souls.


  • "This man uproars the land and upsets governments" Bas Kol
  • "The supernal holy light that the entire world must welcome his face" Rabbi Abba

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  1. ^ Zohar Chadash Pasrshas Berashis, Page 24A
  2. ^ Zohar Pasrshas HaZinue Page 291A
  3. ^ Ahavas Hashem from Rabbi Yosef Sadbon
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