Shet ben Adom

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Shet ben Adam was the third son born to Adom HaRishon and Chava. He was born 130 years after the Creation and lived to the age of 912 passing away in 1042 to Creation. Noach was a descendant of Shet, making him the father of all mankind since all humanity including all descendants of Kayin perished in the Great Flood.


Shes was born after Adom had done over a century of immense Teshuva. He was called Shes since he was a replacement for his older brother Hevel who had been murdered by Kayin.


Shes was considered one of the 'seven shepherds'. He inherited the 'priestly garments' or the position of the leader of the 'Side of Holiness' from his father 'Adam'. Upon his passing, this position was transferred to Mesushelach.

Kever Shes ben Adom

Shet ben Adom is buried in Arbel, Israel.

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