Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair

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Rebbe Pinchas Ben Yair
Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair
רבי פנחס בן יאיר
Other Names:
Rabbi Phinehas ben Jair, Rabbi Pinhas Ben Yair
Old Tzfat Cemetery
A forth generation Tana and father-in-law or son-in-law of Rebbe Shimon bar Yochi.

Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair was a 4th generation Tana and was either the father-in-law or the son-in law of Rebbe Shimon bar Yochi. He excelled in his attachment to the Mitzovs of Masser and Pidyon Shevuim and is well know for his teachings of the levels necessary to attain Rouch Hakodesh. Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair is buried at the end of the old cemetery in Tzfas.


Association With Rashbi

In the Zohar it refers to Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair as the Rashbi's father-in-law while in the Talmud he is referred to as his son-in law. It is possible that there were two Tanaim named Rebbe Pinchas Ben Yair, one a father-in-law and the other a son-in law of the Rashbi.

The Mice

Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair visited a town whose residents complained that all their crops were being consumed by mice. Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair commanded all the mice to gather in the center of town. They came and began to squeak, he then relayed the message of the mice that the residents were being punished for not taking Tiruma and Masser off their crops. After committing to change their ways, mice stopped eating their crops.

Donkey of Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair

The donkey of Rabbi Pinchas ben Yair is used a number of times as an example of a righteous animal. Once it was stolen but refused to eat from the thieves food since Masser had not been taken off. After three days of fasting the thieves released the donkey, fearful that it would soon die and smell up their hideout. The donkey found its way back to the home of Rebbe Pinchas and began braying by the door. Rabbi Pinchas ben Yair recognized its voice and requested his family to bring it in and feed it since it had not eaten in three days. They gave it barley but would not eat. Rabbi Pinchas pointed out that they too had not taken off masser and although that is not necessary for animal food that was in a halachic state of 'Dimay', what could they do that the poor donkey was stringent on itself.

Kever Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair

Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair is buried near the bottom entrance of the old Tzfat cemetery. His kever was first revealed by the Arizal and for years was marked by a pile of stones. Many visitors to the old cemetery come to the kever Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair, often circling it seven times while reciting Tehilim chapter 29 and the verses of Ana Bekoach.

Hillulah of Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair

A Hillulah was created for Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair on the 4th of Teves by the local Tzfat-Birya community.


Geographic Coordinates

  • Latitude: 32.968027
  • Longitude: 35.486002

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