Rabbi Chaim of Chernovitz

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Rabbi Chaim of Chernovitz (1760-1816) authored the Be'er Mayim Chayim, which is now also used as a reference to him. He served as a rabbi in the communities of Mohilev, Batishan, Kishinev. In Kishinev he suffered great opposition forcing him to relocate to Chernovitz. In 1813 Rabbi Chaim moved to Tzfas.


Early Life

Rabbi Chaim of Chernovitz was born in 1760 near Butchatch, Galicia. Has father R' Shlomo was known as a righteous individual.

Sometimes he would sign his name Dov Ber scion of Tzvi.


He studied under Rabbi Shmelke of Nikolsburg, Rabbi Yechiel Michel of Zlotchov and the Maggid of Mezritch

Kever Rabbi Chaim of Chernovitz

Rabbi Chaim of Chernovitz is buried in a cave in the old Safed cemetery.

Hillula of Rabbi Chaim of Chernovitz

27th of Kislev

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