Ziffer Sculpture Garden Safed

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Ziffer Sculpture Garden
Ziffer Sculpture Garden
גן הפסלים
Other Names:
Ziffer Garden, Artist Quarter Sculpture Garden
Tzfat garden with sculptures created by Moshe Ziffer.

The small Ziffer Sculpture Garden on Tet Vav Street in Safed’s Artist Quarter provides a welcome space for people to wander or sit and rest while enjoying the sculptures of one of Israel’s most well-known artists.


[edit] Moshe Ziffer

Moshe Ziffer was one of Israel’s premier sculptors. He immigrated to pre-State Palestine in 1919 from Austro-Hungry and then spent time in Berlin, Paris and Vienna, studying sculpture. He worked in stone and was recognized as one of Israel’s pre-eminent sculptors. He received the Dizengoff Prize for his work in 1947. His work was exhibited in his galleries in Tel Aviv and Tzfat as well as on the campuses of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, the Tel Aviv University, New York, Brussels and other locations within Israel.

[edit] Sculpture Garden

In 1984 Moshe Ziffer and his wife Rachel bequeathed their Safed gallery to the Tzfat municipality. They requested that, in return, the city care for the premises and use the small house as a venue to assist new artists. The city employs a caretaker who ensures that the garden is kept clean and orderly. Over the years, a number of aspiring artists have lived in the little house in the garden and begun their art careers.

[edit] Entrance

Visitors can enter the garden through either of the two gates that open to the lane that passes by the garden. The garden is located next door to the Rimonim Hotel and many of the hotel guests enjoy sitting in the garden or strolling along the lanes. The garden is also used by neighborhood children as a play area.

[edit] Sculptures

Moshe Ziffer was an “Environmental Sculptor” and he worked in stone. He sculpted several large sculptures, measuring over two meters high and four meters in circumference, and these sculptures are scattered around the garden for visitors’ viewing pleasure. Many children enjoy climbing on the sculptures as well.

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