Miriam Mehadipur Gallery Safed

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Miriam Mehadipur Gallery
Miriam Mehadipur Gallery
גלריה מרים מדיפור
Other Names:
Menachem Mehadipur Gallery, Persian Art Gallery Tzfat
Young Tzfat artist creating Persian style art. http://mehadipurandcollection.com

Miriam Mehadipur has lived, worked and exhibited her Persian-inspired artwork in Tzfat since 1999.


[edit] Background

Miriam Mehadipur immigrated to Tzfat in 1999 from her native Holland where she had studied at the Royal Academy of Art. The intense light that she found in Israel inspired her paintings, as did her marriage to Menachem, a Jew of Persian origins. Her paintings reflect the powerful colors and bright radiance that illuminate her artwork. She paints from her home and her works convey the tones and feel of traditional Persian art.

[edit] Biblical Characters

Mehadipur’s paintings are inspired by female Biblical characters such as Sarah, Rachel, Miriam, Ruth and Queen Esther. Her paintings depict these characters as strong, serene, dignified women. The paintings show these women in poses which communicate their heritage, vision and commitment to tradition. The paintings often speak of birth and rebirth along with the legacies that Jewish women are entrusted to pass down to succeeding generations. Another reoccurring theme in Mehadipur’s paintings is that of “potential” -- the way that Jewish women carry the potential within them for Jewish continuity. One such painting reflects a pregnant woman with the Star of David in her womb.

[edit] Colors and Designs

Miriam uses bright, vivid colors to express her art’s themes of expansive freedom, an emotion that, Miriam believes, is characteristic of Tzfat. She aims to create a mood of brightness and openness alongside a sensation of the simple contentment that these women express. Surrounding the main image in each picture are myriad designs which swirl around the figure, expressing beauty, joy and peacefulness which touches the heart of the viewer.

[edit] Mediums

Miriam paints with pastels, oils on paper, oils on canvas, oils and acrylics on wood and ink on paper. She frequently chooses her medium to suit the accompanying custom frame.

[edit] Wooden Frames and Furniture

Miriam sells her paintings from her home on Tet Vav Street in the Artists Quarter Safed as well as from a gallery on Yosef Caro Street in the Old City. In addition to her two-dimensional illustrations and paintings her work includes paintings which are set amongst painted wooden frames that her husband, Menachem, hand-carves. These frames are then incorporated into the painting, such as in her painting of Abraham and Sara and her Four Matriarchs Series. In addition to Miriam’s paintings her work also includes mosaics and painted wood furniture which are designed and built by her husband Menachem.


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