Nina Gurevich Gallery Safed

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Nina Gurevich
Abuhav Synagogue
נינה גורוויץ
Nina Gur-veech
Other Names
Sorkin and Gurevich Art Gallery
Nina Gurevich is a Jewish Russian artist that works and exhibits her paintings in Tzfat’s Artist Quarter

Nina Gurevich has joined a nucleus of Russian immigrants and other young artists and who are revitalizing the Artists Quarter of Tzfat.


[edit] Background

Nina Gurevich was born in Russia and studied drawing, first at the "Repin Art Academy" and then at the "Muhina Art Academy" in Leningrad / St. Petersburg. Nina concentrated in city landscapes and graduated from Muhina in 1979 with honors. In 1990 she immigrated to Israel and immediately began to receive recognition for her work.

[edit] Style

Nina paints in a traditional post-impressionist style with vivid pastel colors and a mastery of design, color, composition, tones and draftsmanship. She specializes in painting urban landscapes with an emphasis on the landscapes of her adopted city, Tzfat. She also paints still lifes and portraits.

[edit] Exhibits

Nina held at a solo exhibition at the Jaffa - Dalet Theater shortly after her arrival in Israel. She has participated in a number of group exhibitions including those at the Tel Aviv Artists' House, the Museum of Muhina Art Academy in St. Petersburg, the State Exhibition Hall in Moscow, the Mane Hall in St. Petersburg, the Museum of History in St. Petersburg and at St. Petersburg’s Artists' House. She was also involved in the Modern Russian Artists 1990 tour of Russia and Switzerland and has paintings hanging at the Catto Art Gallery in London and Chagall House in Haifa.

Nina's works are on permanent display at the Ruski Museum in St. Petersburg. Collectors in the United States, Canada, Israel and Russia include Nina’s paintings as part of their collections.

[edit] Gallery

Nina lives and works in Tzfat in her studio on Tet Vav Street. She shares her gallery in the Artists Quarter with painter Ilya Sorkin.


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