Jerusalem Street Safed

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Midrechov Tzfat
Jerusalem Street Safed
רחוב ירושלים
Re-hoov Y’ru-shal-yim
Other Names:
Midrahov, Pedestrian Mall, Tzfat Main Street, Rechov Yerushalayim
Main commercial street of Tzfat, Israel.

Jerusalem Street has been the hub of Tzfat’s commercial life for many years. The street circles the “Metzuda” -- Citadel -- of Tzfat and offers shoppers and browsers the opportunity to find almost anything that they want in small shops and eateries.


[edit] Midrachov

Jerusalem Street is known as the “Midrachov” of Tzfat because part of Jerusalem Street is a “midracha” -- pedestrian walkway -- which is located alongside a lane for vehicular traffic. Jerusalem street is a one-lane, one-way street in all directions and circles the Tzfat Citadel. It is the main shopping area of the city.

[edit] History

Traffic circle near Central Bus Station.
Jerusalem Street sits above the Old City and the Artist Quarter. There were a few hotels and other large buildings on Jerusalem Street before Tzfat’s Liberation in 1948 including the Mercazi Hotel and the Rothschild Hospital. After the Arab riots of 1929 the British established a lookout post on Jerusalem Street to ensure that the Arabs did not enter the Old Jewish Quarter. The British conducted patrols along Jerusalem Street.

After Tzfat was liberated in 1948 the street developed into a commercial area with shops, eateries and offices for services. The street became a one-way road, though for a few years in the ‘80s and ‘90s, portions of the street was repaved as a pedestrian mall and was closed to vehicle traffic.

[edit] Sinkhole

In 2007, a large portion of the road was again renovated with the goal of replacing antiquated water and sewage pipes underneath the street. One portion of the street split open into a huge sinkhole. This sinkhole exposed arches and structures which had been built hundreds of years ago. These structures were covered over by landslides which were caused by earthquakes. After archaeologists completed their investigation, construction workers worked for several months to close up the opening.

[edit] Options

Jerusalem Street offers visitors and local residents a wide variety of shopping and eating options. The area is picturesque though many people shop elsewhere because of the lack of parking facilities in the area.

[edit] Eateries

There are many different types of dining options on Jerusalem street including pizza, falaffel, schwarma, bagels, coffee shops and meat restaurants. Some of these eateries have views so that patrons can enjoy the view of the Old City and the Artists Quarter below, as well as the surrounding mountain range.

More.jpg Read full Zissil article on Safed Restaurants

[edit] Goods and Services

The Tzfat municipality sits in the center of Jerusalem Street. The local community college is located in the old Rothschild Hospital building, near the Egged bus station. Along Jerusalem Street there are health food and spice shops, places to buy appliances and housewares and many clothing and shoe shops.

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