Miriam Jaskierowicz Arman

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Miriam Jaskierowicz Arman
Abuhav Synagogue
מרים ישקרוויץ ארמן
Multi-media Tzfat artist.

Miriam Jaskierowicz Arman is a multi-talented artist who has recently settled in Tzfat. She is the founder and director of the International School of Voice in Tzfat where she teaches the Art of Singing in which she encourages students to discover and develop their true voice. In addition to her work in voice instruction and her poetry writings she creates works of visual art which she exhibits in her gallery in Tzfat.


[edit] Background

Miriam Jaskierowicz Arman began creating art in the '60s and studied with Beatice Todes and Ruth Pollack at New School in New York. She also studied personally with Stanley Zuckerberg and Sigmund Rothchild who served as her mentors.

[edit] Medium

Miriam's art includes a variety of medium including mixed media on glass, pastels, three dimensional glass fusion on glass, oil pastels,ink on paper and mixed media on canvas. Miriam Jaskierowicz Arman works with both high colors and in black and white and includes collages, painting, drawing, bas relief and sculpture in her creations. Many of her works include "found objects" such as pieces of glass and stones. She does not use color mixes because she prefers to paint with basic, powerful, primary colors.

[edit] Inspiration

Miriam's art is fueled by the same inspiration as that which motivates her in her work with the International School of Voice. She teaches that all voice, all language and all verbal expression comes from the same place – from deep within "Hashem’s Space" -- G-d's space. This conviction serves as her enthusiasm to express herself in the visual arts in the same way that she does in her voice work and her poetry. She aims to explore people's psyches in her paintings.

[edit] Technique

Miriam Jaskierowicz Arman's work depicts a powerful universal reality which survives the temporal and the local. She incorporates glass into to many of her works which adds depth, color, texture, and a multi-dimensional atmosphere luminosity to each piece. Her holographs refract and reflect as they multiply and change perspectives and extend beyond the painting. Miriam's technical skills are superior and her work is rich in spiritual content.

[edit] Subjects

Miriam characterizes her subjects as "Psycho-Artistic Interpretations of People I know". A selection of her works include "Mother and Child," "Snake Woman," "Self Portrait," "We," "Hold Me," "Dry My Tears," "The Indian Princess," "The Mask," "Mother's Shabbat Candles" and "The Rebbe Valodia from Kiev."

[edit] Exhibitions

Miriam Jaskierowicz Arman exhibits her works in her gallery on Bar Yochai Street in Old City Tzfat. For special appointments and possible evening lectures, poetry readings including subjective explanations of her work.

[edit] Related Links


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