Myra Mandel Gallery Safed

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Art From The Well
Myra Mandel Gallery Safed
גלריה מיירה מנדל
May-ra Man-del
Other Names:
Art From The Well
Tzfat Artist Quarter artist and gallery-owner whose oils and watercolors fuse Biblical verses with textures, colors and visions of beauty.

Art From the Well Gallery in Tzfat’s Artist Quarter exhibits Myra Mandel’s Biblically-inspired artwork which reflects the beauty of the Galilean countryside, the flowers and fauna of Israel and Israel’s Biblical past.


[edit] Background

Myra came to Israel from Montreal in her teens and studied engineering at Haifa’s Technion. Even while she was raising her young children and working full time as a systems analyst in the Tel Aviv area she dabbled in painting and began to develop her art as a hobby. Her family bought a small home in the Artists Quarter of Safed which they divided into apartments to rent out. They left one of the home’s tiny apartments and the cistern for their own needs.

[edit] Inspiration

Myra’s inspiration is drawn from two main sources which interact with each other. She merges the narratives of the Bible with the shapes and textures of nature. Her works are a visual response to the poetry that she hears when she reads and hears Biblical texts. This poetic imagery allows her to use the text as her art’s background and allows her to merge it with the graceful shapes and delicate colors of Israel’s landscapes and plant-life.

[edit] Medium

Myra’s paintings are created using acrylics on canvas or a combination of watercolors and acrylics on paper. She also creates collages which she composes by layering pieces of watercolor paper with acrylic paints, lace and metal lettering. In addition she incorporates watercolor paintings, ink, pen and colored pencil etchings, wood block prints and silk screen prints into her collages.

[edit] Style

Myra’s mixed media techniques allow her to achieve unique effects, such as those of ancient parchments and scrolls. Many of her works include passages from the Book of Psalms, Jewish prayers, Sayings of the Prophets and the verses from the Song of Songs. She combines these texts with landscapes, flowers and elements of archaeology.

[edit] Gallery

Myra excavated the her Tzfat home’s cistern and opened her gallery “Art from the Well,” in the excavated cistern. The gallery opens during the summer. The Art from the Well Tzfat gallery is located on Tet Vav Street in Tzfat’s Artist Quarter, near the Rimonim Hotel. At other times of the year visitors can visit Myra’s second permanent gallery in Moshav Hemed, located near Ben Gurion airport.


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