Pelech HaRimon Guesthouse Safed

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Pelech HaRimon Tzimer
Pelech HaRimon Tzimer
פלח הרימון
Pe’lach Ha-Riy-mon
Slice of Pomegranate
Tzimmer in Tzfat’s Artist Quarter.

Visitors looking for a new, comfortable guest house in the center of Tzfat’s Artists Quarter will find a luxurious, reasonably-priced guest house on Alorsoroff Street on the edge of the Artists Quarter.


[edit] Olive Network

The Olive Network of guest houses invites couples to enjoy their romantic setting in Tzfat, Pelach HaRimon. The intimate Tzfat accommodations are located close to the main religious sites, tourist attractions and art galleries of Tzfat’s Old City and Artists Quarter.

[edit] Spiritual

Pelech HaRimon encourages guests to park take of the local opportunities for spiritual exploration. The guest house was purposefully built in an area that straddles the Artists Quarter and the Old City so that guests can have the opportunity to experience Tzfat’s religious and art cultures.

[edit] Suites

On the upper floor of the three-story guest house is the largest suite, the 70-square meter Rimon suite while the mid-sized Grape, Fig, Date and Olive suites are on the lower two floors. Each of Pelach HaRimon’s suites has a balcony that overlooks the Mt. Meron mountain range and the lower part of the Old City. Every suite gets direct sunlight and has a different unique design. The suites have fully equipped kitchens dining areas, living rooms and sleeping areas. Each suite has its own unique design and color scheme but all suite designs match the city’s landscape.

[edit] Amenities

All of the suites at Pelech HaRimon have jacuzzis and satellite television. Full breakfasts are served to guests and guests can order spa treatments as well as mehadrin kosher breakfasts.


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