Hillulas of Tzadikim

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List of Hillulas of Tzadikim and important spiritual days on the Jewish calendar.


[edit] Tishrai

[edit] 1st of Tishrai

  • First day of Rosh Hashanah
  • Sixth day of creation, Adom was created.
  • Sarah Imanu - Kever Sarah is located in Meoras Hamachpala, Chevron.
  • Yitzchak gave blessings to Yackov.
  • Yosef Hatzadik was released from jail.
  • Egyptians stopped forcing the Jews to perform physical labor
  • Gidalyah ben Achikum (1st opinion)
  • Rabbi Amnon of Magenza
  • Rabbi Meir Laybish ben Yechiel Michal, the Malbim
  • Rabbi Yaakov Dovid Wilovsky, the Ridbaz - Kever HaRidbaz is located in the Tzfat cemetery.

[edit] 2nd of Tishrai

[edit] 3rd of Tishrai

  • Tzom Gedalyah
  • Gidalyah ben Achikum (2nd opinion)
  • Third day of Aseres Yimay Teshuvah

[edit] 4th of Tishrai

  • Rabbi Avraham Danzig the Chayei Adam
  • Fourth day of Aseres Yimay Teshuvah

[edit] 5th of Tishrai

  • Naftali ben Yackov
  • Romans kill 20 Jews and arrest Rebbe Akiva
  • Fifth day of Aseres Yimay Teshuvah

[edit] 6th of Tishrai

  • Sixth day of Aseres Yimay Teshuvah

[edit] 7th of Tishrai

  • Zevulun ben Yaakov
  • Decree given that Jews will be punished for sin of Golden Calf
  • Seventh day of Aseres Yimay Teshuvah

[edit] 8th of Tishrai

  • Eighth day of Aseres Yimay Teshuvah

[edit] 9th of Tishrai

[edit] 10th of Tishrai

  • Yom Kippur
  • Yitzchok is bound to the alter
  • Moshe descends from Har Sinai with second Luchos.
  • Zecharya ben Yehoyada the Cohen is murdered in the Bais Hamikdash.
  • Rebbe Akiva
  • Hagaon Rav Achi bar Chanina of Bavel

[edit] 11th of Tishrai

  • Rav Hunah son of Mar Zutrah
  • Rav Tvymi also known as Mar Bar Rav Ashi
  • Donations started for the Mishkan

[edit] 12th of Tishrai

  • Rabbi Avraham Hamelech son of Rebbe Dovber of Mezritch

[edit] 15th of Tishrai

  • First day of Suckot
  • Yaakov Avinu

[edit] 16th of Tishrai

  • Second day of Sukkot

[edit] 17th of Tishrai

  • Third day of Sukkot

[edit] 18th of Tishrai

[edit] 19th of Tishrai

  • Fifth day of Sukkot
  • Rebbe Eliyahu ben Shlomo Zalman the GRA from Vilnah

[edit] 20th of Tishrai

  • Sixth day of Sukkot
  • Rebbe Yichiel, father of the Rosh
  • Rabbi Eliezer ben Yitzchok Pupah, the ‘Peleh Yoetz’

[edit] 21st of Tishrai

  • Hoshanah Rabba
  • Prophecy of Chagai to Zerubavel

[edit] 22nd of Tishrai

  • Shmini Atzeret / Simchat Torah

[edit] 23rd of Tishrai

  • Isru Chag

[edit] 24th of Tishrai

  • Chazal poke out the eyes of the Yetzer Hara, blinding him
  • Rabbi Yaakov Yosef of Polnoye

[edit] 25th of Tishrai

  • Rabbi Moshe Sofer - The Chesam Sofer
  • Rabbi Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev - Kever Rabbi Levi Yitzchok is located in Berditchev, Ukraine.

[edit] 27th of Tishrai

  • Rabbanue Yitzchak Hazaken ben Shmuel from the Tosfot

[edit] 29th of Tishrai

  • Erev Rosh Chodes Cheshvan
  • Shimon HaTzadik - Kever Shimon HaTzadik is in Yerushalaim.

[edit] 30th of Tishrai

  • Rosh Chodesh Cheshvon

[edit] Cheshvan

[edit] 6th of Cheshvan

  • Rabbi Yehuda Hachasid

[edit] 9th of Cheshvan

  • Rabbanu Asher ben Yichiel, the Rosh
  • Rabbi Yisroel Karduner - Kever Rebbe Yisroel Karduner is located in the ancient cemetery of Tiberias.

[edit] 10th of Cheshvan

  • Gad ben Yaakov

[edit] 11th of Cheshvan

  • Mesushelach ben Chanoch - Enters heaven alive, never dying.
  • Rachel Imanue - Kever Rachel is located in Beit Lechem
  • Binyamin ben Yaakov

[edit] 12th of Cheshvan

  • Rabbi Zev Wolf Kitzis - A student of the Baal Shem Tov
  • Rabbi Yackov Chaim - Son of the Ben Ish Chi

[edit] 15th of Cheshvan

  • Matisyahu ben Yochanana Kohen Gadal the Chashmonai
  • Rabbi Avraham Yishmoel Chi Sangeniti - Student of the Ohr Hachaim and early visitor and documenter of Kevrei Tzadikim.

[edit] 16th of Cheshvan

[edit] 18th of Cheshvan

[edit] 21st of Cheshvan

  • Rabbi Dovid ben Zimra - The Ridbaz - Kever HaRidbaz is located in the old cemetery of Tzfas.
  • Rabbi Avraham Azulai

[edit] 22nd of Cheshvan

[edit] 24th of Cheshvan

  • Rabbi Avraham Azuli - Author of Chesed LiAvraham - Grandfather of the Chida

[edit] 28th of Cheshvan

  • Rabbeinu Yonah of Gerondi - Author of Shari Teshuva

[edit] Kislev

[edit] 3rd Of Kislev

  • Rabbi Eliezer Sufino - One of the teachers of the Chida
  • Rabbi Meir Katz - Father of the Shach

[edit] 5th Of Kislev

  • Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Halavi Edeles, the Maharsha

[edit] 12th Of Kislev

[edit] 13th Of Kislev

  • Ravinah bar Rav Huna from Bavel - The Amora

[edit] 14th Of Kislev

  • Reuvain ben Yaakov

[edit] 15th Of Kislev

[edit] 18th Of Kislev

  • Rabbi Avraham ben HaRambam
  • Rabbi Baruch of Mezibuz - Kever Rabbi Baruch in located in Mezibuz.

[edit] 19th of Kislev

  • Rabbi Dovber, the Maggid of Mezritch

[edit] 24th of Kislev

  • Erev Chanuka
  • Shimon ben Yaakov

[edit] 25th of Kislev

  • First Day of Chanuka

[edit] 26th of Kislev

  • Second Day of Chanuka
  • Rabbi Avraham ben Dovid - Author of Hasagos HaRaved

[edit] 27th of Kislev

  • Third Day of Chanuka
  • Rabbi Chaim of Tchernovich - Author of the Beer Maim Chaim and Siduro Shel Shabbos - Kever Rabbi Chaim of Chernovich is located in the ancient cemetery of Tzfat.

[edit] 28th of Kislev

  • Fourth Day of Chanuka

[edit] 29th of Kislev

  • Fifth Day of Chanuka
  • Erev Rosh Chodesh Teves
  • Rabbi Chezekiah de Silva - the Pri Chadosh - Kever Rabbi Chezekiah de Silva is located in Har Hazasim, Yerushalaim.
  • Rabbi Avraham Chazan - Kever Reb Avraham bar Nachman is located in Uman, Ukraine.

[edit] 30th of Kislev

  • Sixth Day of Chanuka
  • First Day Rosh Chodesh Teves

[edit] Teves

[edit] 1st of Teves

  • Second Day Rosh Chodesh Teves
  • Seventh Day of Chanuka

[edit] 2nd of Teves

  • Eith Day of Chanuka - VeZos Chanuka

[edit] 4th of Teves

  • Rabbi Pinchos ben Yair (Created Hillulah) - Kever Rebbe Pinchos ben Yair is located in the Old Tzfas cemetery.

[edit] 5th of Teves

[edit] 7th of Teves

  • Rabbi Tzvi son of the Baal Shem Tov
  • Rabbi Moshe Dovid Vali - A student of the Ramchal

[edit] 10th of Teves

  • Fast of Asara B'Teves
  • Ezra Hasofer
  • Rabbi Nosson ben Naftali Hertz of Nemirov - Kever Rabbi Nosson of Nemirov is located in Breslov, Ukraine.

[edit] 20th of Teves

  • Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, the Rambam - Kever HaRambam is located in Tiberias.
  • Rabbi Yaakov Abuchatzeira

[edit] 22nd of Teves

[edit] 23rd of Teves

  • Rabbi Refael Yitzchak Zirachya Azuli - Father of the Chida

[edit] 24th of Teves

  • Rabbi Naftali hakohen Katz - Author of the Smichas Chachamim - Kever Rabbi Naftali Katz is located in Istanbul, Turkey.

[edit] Shevat

[edit] 3rd of Shevat

[edit] 4th of Shevat

  • Rabbi Avraham Kalisker - Kever Rabbi Avraham Kalisker is located in the old cemetery of Teveria.

[edit] 9th of Shevat

  • Rabbi Rifael Yishaya Azuli - Son of the Chida.

[edit] 10th of Shevat

  • Rabbi Shalom Mizraḥi Deyedi Sharabi - The Rashash - Kever HaRashash is located in Har Hazasim, Yerushalaim.

[edit] 14th of Shevat

[edit] 15th of Shevat

  • Tu BeShvat - Rosh Hashana for Trees

[edit] 17th of Shevat

  • Rabbi Moshe of Kitov - Student of the Baal Shem Tov
  • Rabbi Chaim Palagi

[edit] Adar

[edit] 1st of Adar

  • Rabbi Shabsi ben Meir Hacohen - The Shach

[edit] 3rd of Adar

  • Rabbi Mordechai Yafe - Author of the Livushim

[edit] 4th of Adar

  • Rav Achai bar Rav Huna of Bavel - From the Rabbanan Savrai

[edit] 6th of Adar

  • Rabbi Yishaya Azuli - Grandfather of the Chida

[edit] 7th of Adar

[edit] 11th of Adar

  • Rabbi Chaim Yosef David Azulai – the Chida - Kever Hachida is located in Har Hamenuchos, Yerushalaim.

[edit] 12th of Adar

  • Rabbi Alter of Teplik - A Breslov chossid
  • Rabbi Shmuel Horowitz - A Breslov chossid
  • Rabbi Boruch Berditchiver - A Breslov chossid

[edit] 13th of Adar

  • Tannis Ester
  • Rabbi Yehuda ben Shmuel Hachasid - Author of Sefer Chasidim
  • Rabbi Nachman of Tcherin - A Breslov chasid.

[edit] 14th of Adar

  • Purim

[edit] 15th of Adar

  • Shushan Purim

[edit] 18th of Adar

  • Rabbi Alexander Ziskind - Author of Yesod V'Shoresh HaAvodah

[edit] 18th of Adar

  • Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld

[edit] 21st of Adar

  • Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk

[edit] 25th of Adar

  • Rabbi Avraham Gershon of Kitov - Kever Rabbi Avraham Gershon of Kitov is located on Har Hazasim in Yerushalaim.

[edit] Nissan

[edit] 1st of Nissan

  • Rosh Chodesh Nissan
  • Initial assembly of the Mishkan
  • Nadav ben Aharon
  • Avihu ben Aharon

[edit] 2nd of Nissan

  • Rabbi Baruch - Father of Rabbi Meir of Ruttenberg (the Rishon)

[edit] 6th of Nissan

  • Rabbi Chaim Abulafia - Kever Rabbi Chaim Abulafiais located in Tiberias.
  • Rabbi Aharon Roth - Author of Taharas Hakodesh

[edit] 10th of Nissan

  • Miriam haNevia bas Amram

[edit] 11th of Nissan

  • Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman, the Ramban
  • Rabbi Yeshaya Halevi Horowitz, the Selah - Kever haShela is located in Tiberias.

[edit] 13th of Nissan

  • Rabbi Yitzchak Karo - Uncle of the Bais Yosef
  • Rabbi Yosef Karo - Kever Rebbe Yosef Karo is located in the ancient cemetery of Tzfat.
  • Rabbi Moshe Alshich - Kever haAlshich is located in the ancient cemetery of Tzfat.

[edit] 14th of Nissan

  • Erev Pesach

[edit] 15th of Nissan

  • First day of Pesach
  • Yitzchak Avinue - Kever Yitzchok is located in the Maras Hamachpala in Chevron

[edit] 16th of Nissan

  • Secound day of Pesach
  • Levy ben Yaackov

[edit] 20th of Nissan

  • Rav Hai Gaon

[edit] 21th of Nissan

  • Rabbi Dovid Lucos - a student of the Baal Shem Tov

[edit] 23rd of Nissan

[edit] 26th of Nissan

[edit] 29th of Nissan

[edit] 30th of Nissan

  • Rabbi Chaim Vital

[edit] Iyyar

[edit] 1st of Iyyar

  • Rosh Chodesh Iyyar
  • Rabbi Yosef Halavi ben Meir MIgash, the ReMigash
  • Rabbi Yakov Beirav - Kever Rabbi Yakov Beirav is located in the old cemetery of Tzfas.
  • Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk - Kever Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk is located in the old cemetery of Teveria.
  • Rabbi Yosef Yoske - Autthor of Yesod Yosef

[edit] 5th of Iyyar

  • Choni Hamegael (Created Hillulah) - Kever Choni Hamegel is located in Chatzor.

[edit] 6th of Iyyar

[edit] 10th of Iyyar

  • Rabbi Meir Margolis - A student of the Baal Shem Tov

[edit] 14th of Iyyar

[edit] 15th of Iyyar

[edit] 18th of Iyyar

[edit] 19th of Iyyar

  • Rabbi Meir ben Baruch - the Maharam of Rothenburg

[edit] 19th of Iyyar

  • Rabbi Avraham ben Avraham - The Ger Tzedek from Vilna
  • Rabbi Yosef Irigas ben Emanuel - Author of the original Shomer Emunim

[edit] 22nd of Iyyar

[edit] 26th of Iyyar

  • Rabbi Saadia Gaon
  • Rabbi Moshe Chaim Litzaton, the Ramchal - Kever HaRamchal is located in Tiberias.

[edit] 28th of Iyyar

  • Shmuel Hanavi
  • Abaya (Created Hillula) - Kever Abaya is located in Avnit.
  • Rava (Created Hillula) - Kever Rave is located in Avnit.

[edit] 29th of Iyyar

[edit] Sivan

[edit] 1st of Sivan

[edit] 3rd of Sivan

[edit] 6th of Sivan

  • Shevus
  • King Dovid - Kever Dovid Hamelech is located in Yerushalaim in Har Tzion.

[edit] 8th of Sivan

  • Rabbi Moshe Chaim - Grandfather of the Ben Ish Chai

[edit] 10th of Sivan

  • Rabbi Yitzchok Alfasi, the Rif

[edit] 12th of Sivan

  • Rabbi Dovid Chaim Pardo - Author of Shoshanim LiDaovid and a son in law of the Chida

[edit] 14th of Sivan

  • Rabbi Chaim Dovid Amar - A student of the Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh

[edit] 15th of Sivan

  • Yehuda ben Yaakov

[edit] 19th of Sivan

  • Rabbi Yehuda ben Atar

[edit] 25th of Sivan

[edit] 26th of Sivan

[edit] 27th of Sivan

[edit] 29th of Sivan

  • Rabbi Chananya ben Akashya (Created Hillula)

[edit] Tammuz

[edit] 1st of Tammuz

  • Yosef Hatzadik ben Yaakov - Kever Yosef is located in Shechem.

[edit] 2nd of Tammuz

  • Rabbi Nachman of Horodenka - Kever Nachman of Horodenka is located in Teveria.

[edit] 4thof Tammuz

  • Rabbi Meir of Rothenburg
  • Rabbanue Tam -Rabbi Yaakov ben Meir

[edit] 5th of Tammuz

  • Rabbi Yehuda Nessia (Created Hillula) - Kever Rabbi Yehuda Nessia is located in Avnit.

[edit] 9th of Tammuz

  • Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Dayan - Kever Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Dayan is located in Har Hamenuchos, Yerushalaim.

[edit] 12th of Tammuz

  • Rabbi Yaakov ben Asher, the Baal HaTurim

[edit] 12th of Tammuz

  • Rabbi Yosef ben Moshe Matrani - Son of the Mabit

[edit] 15th of Tammuz

[edit] 17th of Tammuz

  • Fast of Yud Zayin B'Tamuz

[edit] 23rd of Tammuz

  • Rabbi Moshe Kordovero, the Ramak

[edit] 28th of Tammuz

  • Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried, the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch

[edit] 29th of Tammuz

[edit] Av

[edit] 1st of Av

  • 2nd day Rosh Chodesh Av
  • Aharon Hakohen
  • Rabbi Aharon of Breslov

[edit] 3rd of Av

  • Rabbi Shimshon of Ostropoli

[edit] 4th of Av

  • Rabbi Menachem Azariah of Fano

[edit] 5th of Av

  • Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, the Arizal - Kever ha'Ari is located in the old cemetery of Tzfat.
  • Rabbi Gedalia Chayon

[edit] 9th of Av

  • Fast if Tisha B'av
  • Destruction of 1st and 2nd Bais Hamikdash and the City of Beitar
  • Rabbi Elazar HaModai
  • RabbiYackov Yitzchak ben Avraham Eliezer Halivi, the Chozeh of Lublin

[edit] 10th of Av

  • Yisachar ben Yackov

[edit] 13th of Av

  • Rabbi Natan Neta Shapira, the Megale Amukot

[edit] 15th of Av

[edit] 19th of Av

  • Rabbi Yaakov Kuli, Author of the Meam Loez

[edit] 22nd of Av

  • Rabbi Mordechi ben Hillel - Author of the Mordechi

[edit] 25th of Av

[edit] 27th of Av

[edit] 28th of Av

  • Binyamin Hatzadik (Created Hillulah) - Kever Binyomin Hatzadik is located in Tzfat.

[edit] 29th of Av

[edit] Elul

[edit] 1st of Elul

  • Rabbi Dovid HaNagid - Kever Rabbi Dovid HaNagid is located in Teveria.
  • First prophecy in book of Chagai

[edit] 2nd of Elul

  • Rav Yitzchak bar Sheshes, the Rivash

[edit] 5th of Elul

  • Yechezkiel is carried by his payot to see Yerushalayim

[edit] 6th of Elul

  • Rabbi Yom Tov Lipman ben Noson Halavi Heller, the Tosfhos Yom Tov

[edit] 7th of Elul

  • Rabbi Eliyahu Chaim, father of the Ben Ish Chai

[edit] 9th of Elul

  • Dun ben Yackov
  • Rabbi Tzadok HaKohen ben Yakov from Lublin

[edit] 10th of Elul

  • Rebbe Pinchas from Kuznitz ben Avraham Abba

[edit] 13th of Elul

  • Rabbi Yosef Chaim ben Eliyahu, the Ben Ish Chai

[edit] 17th of Elul

  • Outbreak of World War II

[edit] 18th of Elul

  • Rabbi Yehuda Loew ben Betzalel, the Maharal of Prague

[edit] 19th of Elul

  • Rebbe Yackov student of Rabbeinu Tom one of the Baaley Tosfos

[edit] 20th of Elul

  • Rebbe Avraham Sternhartz of Breslov

[edit] 21st of Elul

  • Rabbi Yonason Ibshitz ben Nason Nata

[edit] 24th of Elul

  • Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan ben Aryeh Zev of Radin, the Chofetz Chaim

[edit] 25th of Elul

  • Rabbi Eleazar ben Rabbi Shimon bar Yochi (2nd Opinion)
  • First day of creation, heaven and earth
  • Nechemia completes wall around Yerushalayim

[edit] 26th of Elul

  • Second day of creation, firmaments

[edit] 27th of Elul

  • Third day of creation, oceans, grass and trees

[edit] 28th of Elul

  • Shaul Hamelech ben Kish
  • Yonason ben Shaul Hamelech
  • Avinadav ben Shaul Hamelech
  • Malki Shuah ben Shaul Hamelech
  • Rabbi Saadia father-in-law of Rabbi Chaim Vital
  • Fourth day of creation, stars, sun and moon

[edit] 29th of Elul

  • Fifth day of creation, birds and fish
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