Safed Tourism

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Tzfat Tourism
Tzfat Tourism
תיירות בצפת
Other Names:
Safed Vacations, Tzfas Bein Hazmanim
Tourism in the city of Safed, Israel.

In recent years Tzfat has become a major tourist center in northern Israel. Groups and individuals come to Tzfat to enjoy the mild weather conditions, view Tsfat’s historical sites, learn about Kabbalah and explore various art forms at Safed’s Art and Music Centers. During the Charadi Bein Hazmanim, many Ultra Religious and Chassidish families vacation in Tzfas. At the end of each summer the Safed Klezmer Festival is attended by thousands of tourists.


General Exhibition

The General Exhibition of the Artists Quarter was established on the edge of the Artists section of Tzfat on Alorzoroff Street. The Exhibition offers visitors the opportunity to view works of some of Israel’s greatest artists, both past and present, who have had galleries in Safed. The Exhibition is open seven days a week.

International Academy of Voice Tzfat

The International Academy of Voice in Tzfat brings a spiritual approach to voice instruction. The Center is operated by Miriam Jaskierowicz Arman. Students concentrate on improving their voice and performance skills at the Academy or simply to improve their spiritual development through voice instruction.

International Center of Tzfat Kabbalah

Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism, grew out of the belief that God gave Jews the tools to draw closer to Him. These tools are included in the Five Books of Moses -- the Torah. “Kabbalah” refers to hidden messages that exist in the Torah’s text. These messages are accessible through study. Traditional Jewish belief emphasizes the connection between Kabbalah and the Torah. The International Center of Tzfat Kabbalah draws on the teachings of the great Kabbalistic Rabbis of Tzfat when imparting information about Jewish mysticism as a Torah-based discipline.

Livnot U’Lehibanot

Livnot U’Lehibanot, To Build and Be Built, is an opportunity for young Jews to experience Israel differently. The program combines, hiking, volunteering, seminars and workshops in a non-denominational program of Jewish and Israel exploration. Participants live in Tzfat during the program and engage in the community life while learning more about their Jewish heritage.


The Ascent Institute, on HaARI street along the northern edge of Tzfat’s Old City, has a wide range of programming which visitors may explore. The Center is connected to the Chabad Hassidic Movement and provides access to classes on different subject regarding Jewish and Kabbalistic traditions. The Institute has an extensive library which users can browse. The library is staffed by an on-site Rabbi who answers questions and directs visitors to subjects of interests. Ascent runs weekend seminars throughout the year and operates a hostel where Jewish people can stay, as part of the Institute’s Jewish Identity program.

HaMeiri Museum

The HaMeiri family traces its roots back to over 200 years in Tzfat. Following the 1948 War of Independence, the HaMeiri family established a museum to educate visitors about the life of Jews who lived in Tzfat. The museum, located in an ancient home, houses exhibits that depict day-to-day life and struggles of the community as it navigated through the Mameluke, Turkish and British Empires, pestilence and strife. The museum is on Keren HaYesod Street just above the HaAri Mikve. It also contains a dairy that is open to tourists.

More.jpg Read full Zissil article on the HaMeiri Museum

Stam Center

Jewish law is exacting when it specifies the way that Torah scrolls and other ritual parchments must be written. The Stam Center is on G’dud HaSlishi Street, outside the Old City. The Center offers state-of-the-art interactive activities that allow visitors to see demonstrations of how a “Sofer Stam” -- ritual scribe -- works as well as to try their own project.

Art Centers

Galleries in Tzfat exhibit various types of art, including silverwork and jewelry, paintings, sculpture, ceramics and crafts. Many artists and artisans specialize, creating unique works that a collector or buyer will not find anywhere else. Dovid Friedman and Avraham Lowenthal combine their study of Kabbalah with their art, creating mystical imagery with deep meaning. Sheva Chaya gives glass-blowing demonstrations alongside her paintings of traditional Jewish life. Daniel Flatauer brings Kabbalistic meaning to his work with clay as he molds and shapes it.

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