Northern Neighborhoods Safed

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Northern Tzfat
Tzfat Northern Neighborhoods
שכונות הצפוניות
Other Names:
Ramat Razim, Neve Oranim and Menachem Begin Neighborhoods
Northern-most neighborhoods of Tzfat, built since 1990 with moderate to higher-priced homes and apartments.

Ramat Razim, Neve Oranim and Menachem Begin, the new northern neighborhoods of Tzfat offer affordable housing with gardens, parks and facilities to residents who wish to live in a modern Tzfat neighborhood that has all the amenities of a small town.


[edit] Background

In 1990, the fall of the Soviet Union set off a massive wave of Russian Jewish immigration to Israel. Most new Russian immigrants settled in the major metropolitan areas because of work possibilities but many thousands of new immigrants came to live in Tzfat.

These new immigrants looked for housing in the older Tzfat neighborhoods of Canaan and the Darom because these neighborhoods were more affordable. As Canaan and the Darom began to fill up with new Russian immigrants the prices of these properties began to rise. At this point veteran Tzfat residents started to explore other housing options.

The municipality of Tzfat, together with the Israeli Ministry of Housing, opened up three new neighborhoods north of Canaan along the Tzfat-Rosh Pinna Road. These neighborhoods, Ramat Razim, Neve Oranim and Menachem Begin were planned to provide housing and other services to the new residents.

[edit] Neighborhoods

Each of these neighborhoods has its own character and population. All are mixed, including older residents and young families as well as religious and non-religious residents. There are many English-speakers who live in these areas.

[edit] Menachem Begin

Menachem Begin was the first of the three neighborhoods to be built. It is on the southern side of the Tzfat-Rosh Pinna highway.There are single family wood-frame and block houses as well as duplexes. The original houses were one and two-story structures but apartment buildings were added later on. There are several day care centers, kindergartens and synagogues.

[edit] Neve Oranim and Ramat Razim

Houses in Neve Oranim and Ramat Razim, two neighborhoods which sit side-by-side on the northern side of the Tzfat-Rosh Pinna highway, are one and two-story block houses and apartment buildings. The neighborhoods include a shopping center with a supermarket and pharmacy, a public elementary school and synagogues. The population is mixed religious and non-religious.

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