Parashat Chayei Sarah

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Parshas Chayei Sarah

Passing of Sarah

After hearing about the Akida, how Yitzchak was prepared for slaughter and almost slaughtered, Sarah's soul flew out of her and passed away.[1] Her life spanned 127 years, all of them which were equally good.[2] Sarah was 100 years old but like 20 years old regarding sin, who is not yet liable for punishment and was like a 7 year old regarding beauty.[2] She died in Chevron in the Land of Canaan which was also named Kiryas Arba - Settlement of Four after the four giants living there; Achiman, Sheshai, Talmai and their father.[1] It also alluded to the future destiny of the city which would have four holy couples buried there; Adom and Chava, Avrahom and Sarah, Yitzchak and Rivka, Yackov and Leah.[1]

The Burial

Avrahom came from Beer Sheva[1] to eulogize Sarah and to mourn her. Avrahom arose from before his dead, and spoke to the men of Ches. He mentioned how he was a stranger from another land but had settled among them[3] as an inhabitant of the land. He requested a piece of land[3] by them to use as a burial plot, where he could bury his dead from before him. If they were willing to sell it to him, Avrahom would buy it like a stranger but if not he would take it legally as an inhabitant since Hashem had already promised[4] to give his descendants the Land.[3]

The Sons of Ches answered Avraham calling him a prince of G-D who dwells in their midst and telling him that he could bury his dead in the choicest of their graves. None of them would withhold[5] their graves from Avrahom burying his dead. Avraham arose and bowed to the Sons of Ches, the people of the land. He answered them that if it was there will[6] to allow him to bury Sarah they should listen to him and entreat[6] Ephron ben Tzochar for him.


  1. ^ a b c d Rashi Berashis 23:2
  2. ^ a b Rashi Berashis 23:1
  3. ^ a b c Rashi Berashis 23:4
  4. ^ Berashis 12:7
  5. ^ Rashi Berashis 23:6
  6. ^ a b Rashi Berashis 23:8

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