Parashat Acharei Mot

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Parashat Acharei Mot is the sixth parsha in the Book of Vayikra. It is often read lounge with Parashat Kedoshim.

Following Death of Nadav and Avihu

Hashem spoke to Moshe following the death of Aaron's two sons. Nadav and Avihu had died after entering the Kodesh HaKodashim in attempt to draw too close to Hashem. Moshe was instructed to warn Aharon not to enter the Holy in a prohibited manner to avoid a similar death as his sons.[1]

Yom Kippor Service

Hashem told Moshe to instruct Aharon that he should not enter the Kodesh HaKodashim, past the curtain dividing the Araon from the Ohel Moed so he should not die the way his sons died[2]. If he does enter except with the cloud of incense on Yom Kippur,[2] he will die[2] since Hashem's pillar of cloud and Divine Presence[2] are revealed over the ark cover.


  1. ^ Rashi Vayikra 16:1
  2. ^ a b c d Rashi Vayikra 16:2
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