Parashat Bereishit

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Parashat Bereishit is the first Parsha in the Book of Bereishit and the first Parsha of the Torah.



Hashem creates the universe in six days.

First Day

Hashem creates the sky, land and light. He then separates the light and darkness, calling the light day and the darkness night.

Second Day

Hashem strengthens the firmament using it to separate between the upper and lower waters. He then names the upper worlds 'sky' and creates the angels.

Third Day

Hashem gathers the lower waters into one pool, naming the dry area 'land' and the water 'ocean'. Hashem then creates the potential for grasses and fruit trees, although they did not sprout until the sixth day.

Fourth Day

Hashem pins the sun and moon in the firmament They are to rotate positions each day and restart their cycles once a year. They will serve the purpose of separate between day and night, create signals for establishing the Jewish holidays, provide light to the world, Hashem then shrinks the moon but creates it stars as a compensation.

Fifth Day

Hashem creates the sea and air animals.

Sixth Day

Hashem creates the land animals. He then creates Adam with a G-dly image. Hashem blesses Adam to procreate and gives him dominance over the animals. He then permits the animals to eat vegetation but does not permit the eating of flesh. After Adam prays for rain, the vegetation begins to grow.


Hashem finishes creation right before Shabbos and then takes a rest and blesses it making it holy.

Sin of Adam

Kayin & Hevel

Adam's Descendants


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