Parashat Bereishit

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==Kayin & Hevel==
==Kayin & Hevel==
Kayin and Hevel are born to Adam and Chava. Hevel becomes a shepherd while Hayin works the land.
Kayin and Hevel both offer sacrifices to Hashem. Hevel's sacrifice is accepted while Hayin's is rejected. Upon seeing this, Kayin's face drops. Hashem teaches Kayin about the Evil Urge and how it can be overcome.
Kayin murders Hevel. Hashem punishes the ground for swalowing Hevel's blood. Kayin is punished to from now on wander the earth. Kayin pleads for mercy and Hashem places a letter mark on his forehead to save him from being attacked by wild beasts for seven generations.
===Generations of Kayin===
==Adam's Descendants==
==Adam's Descendants==

Revision as of 23:08, 8 February 2015

Parashat Bereishit is the first Parsha in the Book of Bereishit and the first Parsha of the Torah.



Hashem creates the universe in six days.

First Day

Hashem creates the sky, land and light. He then separates the light and darkness, calling the light day and the darkness night.

Second Day

Hashem strengthens the firmament using it to separate between the upper and lower waters. He then names the upper worlds 'sky' and creates the angels.

Third Day

Hashem gathers the lower waters into one pool, naming the dry area 'land' and the water 'ocean'. Hashem then creates the potential for grasses and fruit trees, although they did not sprout until the sixth day.

Fourth Day

Hashem pins the sun and moon in the firmament They are to rotate positions each day and restart their cycles once a year. They will serve the purpose of separate between day and night, create signals for establishing the Jewish holidays, provide light to the world, Hashem then shrinks the moon but creates it stars as a compensation.

Fifth Day

Hashem creates the sea and air animals.

Sixth Day

Hashem creates the land animals, Adam, Chava and Gan Eden.

Creation of Adam

Hashem creates Adam from the earth forming him with a G-dly image and then blowing a soul into him. Hashem blesses Adam to procreate and gives him dominance over the animals. He then permits the animals to eat vegetation but does not permit the eating of flesh. After Adam prays for rain, the vegetation begins to grow.

Creation of Gan Eden

Hashem creates a garden on the Eastern side of Eden. In the garden are many trees including the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. There is a river that waters the garden which afterwords separates to four smaller rivers; Pishon, Gichon, Chidekel and Pras. Hashem appoints Adam as the caretaker and guardian of the garden and permits him to eat from all the trees aside from the Tree of Knowledge.

Creation of Chava

Hashem declares that Adam needs a helper. After Adam names all the animals and can not find a suitable helper, Hashem places him in a deep sleep. He then takes one of his ribs and forms a woman out of it. Adam names her a 'wife'. The two walk undressed with no embarrassment.


Hashem finishes creation right before Shabbos and then takes a rest and blesses it making it holy.

Sin of Adam

Seduction of Snake

The snake seduces Chava into eating from the Tree of Knowledge claiming it will give her G-dly powers. After touching the tree and remaining unharmed Chava eats from it and then feeds some to her husband. Upon eating the forbidden fruit they gain knowledge and realize they are undressed. Out of embarrassment they create garments and then hide from Hashem among the trees of the garden. Hashem calls out to Adam who then admits he was hiding since he was undressed. Hashem asks Adam if he ate from the Tree of Knowledge. Adam confesses that he did but blames it on Chava who in-turn blames it on the snake.


Hashem punishes the snake to crawl on his stomach, eat dust and forever be hated by humans. Chava is punished for women to have to suffer the pain of child raising, pain of pregnancy, pain of birth and always require attention from her husband. Adam is punished by having the ground cursed because of him, from now on it will sprout thorns in place of crops and men will eat bread only through the sweat of their brow.

Naming of Chava

Adam names his wife Chava since she is the mother of all those alive (Chi).

Skin Garments

Hashem dresses Adam and Chava in skin garments.


Adam is expelled from the garden to prevent him from eating from the Tree of Life. Hashem places damaging angles and the blade of the rotating sward at the gate of the garden to prevent Adam from reentering it.

Kayin & Hevel


Kayin and Hevel are born to Adam and Chava. Hevel becomes a shepherd while Hayin works the land.


Kayin and Hevel both offer sacrifices to Hashem. Hevel's sacrifice is accepted while Hayin's is rejected. Upon seeing this, Kayin's face drops. Hashem teaches Kayin about the Evil Urge and how it can be overcome.


Kayin murders Hevel. Hashem punishes the ground for swalowing Hevel's blood. Kayin is punished to from now on wander the earth. Kayin pleads for mercy and Hashem places a letter mark on his forehead to save him from being attacked by wild beasts for seven generations.

Generations of Kayin

Adam's Descendants


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