Amos Yaskil

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Amos Yaskil
Abuhav Synagogue
עמוס ישכיל
Other Names
Matisse of Israel
Artist painting contemporary Mediterranean landscapes of the Galilee and the hills of Jerusalem

Amos Yaskil has been called the “Matisse of Israel” as a recognition of his colorful romantic impressionist paintings.


[edit] Background

Amos Yaskil grew up in Haifa, the son of a Polish-German father who was a painter. Yaskil began painting when he was 10 and his father allowed him to develop his own style, believing that it would be inappropriate to guide or “teach” him. Yaskil fought in the Golan Heights during the 1967 Six Day War and subsequently returned to the Galilee to live and paint. He chose to settle in Tiberias because he preferred to live in a city that did not have a large artist population. Yaskil makes his home on the hill overlooking the Old Center of Tiberias and works in his studio which is built into the Tiberias city wall. He is active in Galilee environmental movements and decries the region’s urbanization and development.

[edit] Influences and Style

Yaskil paints block style impressionist paintings, reminiscence of Matisse and Gauguin. He paints scenes of northern Israel’s natural beauty. Yaskil adheres to the style of the French Impressionists as well as the German "Brucke" artists. He constructs a bubble of pastoral tranquility in his paintings which are devoid of environmental dangers and encroaching urbanization. His paintings exhibit green fields, red roofs, lush mountains and blue waters of the area along with the region’s fauna and flora. Yaskil specializes in paintings of the Tiberias area but his works also explore other areas of Israel, including Jerusalem.

Yaskil’s paintings convey spontaneity and strength in their energetic expressions and powerful brush strokes. He is uninhibited in his minimalist iconography and portrays his beloved Galilee with rich, vibrant colors, bright sunlight and dynamic pictorial symphonies.

[edit] Mediums

In addition to Yaskil’s oils and watercolors on canvas he creates tapestries of the Galilee as well as of areas of Jerusalem such as the Shiloach Valley and Mt. Zion. He also exhibits photography including many photographs that he has taken over the years which portray people of various ethnicities in Tiberias, Nazareth and Jerusalem.

[edit] Exhibitions

Yaskil has exhibited extensively in many countries including countries in Europe, South America, the Far East as well as in the United States. He has a significant following in Germany and, in addition to his Tiberias studio, has held exhibitions in many locations in Israel. His works are included in art collections throughout the world.


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