Ten Days of Repentance

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(Hebrew: עשרת ימי תשובה/ Spelling: Aseret Yemei Teshuva, Aseres Yemay Teshuvah / Other Names: / Definition: Period of ten days on the Jewish calendar beginning on Rosh Hashana lasting until after Yom Kippor dedicated to self improvement and repentance.)

Aseret Yemei Teshuva is the name given to the Ten Days of Repentance at the start of the new Jewish calendar year. Starting with the first day of Rosh Hashanah the Aseret Yemei Teshuva last until after Yom Kippor. These ten days are a time for self analysis, repentance and preparation for the final judgment by Hashem on Yom Kippor.

Asking Friends for Forgiveness

Unlike other transgressions in the Torah, sins between one man and another are not forgiven on Yom Kippor until an apology is attained from the offended individual. During the Aseret Yemei Teshuva many people take the opportunity to ask friends, neighbors and associates to forgive any wrongdoings they have committed against them. In accordance with Judaism, individuals are asked to be forgiving when offered an apology and not to continue holding a grudge.


It is customary to do Kapparos during the Aseres Yemay Teshuvah, preferably on Erev Yom Kippor. It is the custom of some to preform the Kapparot with a live chicken or fish, while others preform the ritual using money. After the ritual, the slaughtered chicken or money is given to poor people.

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