Mishkan Hatchelet

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Mishkan Hatchelet
 Mishkan Hatchelet
Headquarters - Beersheva
Israeli textile company that produces woven tallits, tzitzis and other Judaica.

Mishkan Hatchelet is an Israeli textile company that produces machine woven talasim and tzitzis in a variety of styles as well as matching tefilin and tallit bag sets.

The Company

The Mishkan Hatcheles factory based in Beersheva is well known for its excellent tallits, and holds s record for creating the largest tallit in the world. Apart from several retail branches in Jerusalem, Mishkan Hatchelet also has branches Beitar Illit, Beit Shemesh, Bnei Brak, and Elad. In its fully mechanized factory the company manufactures tallits to the highest standards of excellence and halachah and their products have approbation from all the main kashrut authorities. Mishkan Hatchelet tallits and tzititz are regularly tested for quality and offer a choice of design and halachic opinions. They create modern design in silk but mostly traditional woollen Hassidic talits. Mishkan Hatcheles also offers guided tours for groups in its factory while explaining the whole manufacturing process.

Tallit and Tefilin Bags

Mishkan Hatchelet also produce kippot and tallis and tefillin bags to match their tallits. Themes vary from peace motives in a variety of colors including of course blue and white, to designs illustrating the Ten Commandments. Tallit and tefilin bags are available in wool, silk, or acrylic and colors vary from a traditional black and white bag in wool to a more contemporary black and gold design in silk. Tallit sets which include a tallit, kippa, as well as a tallit and tefilin bag are available from $75 upwards, while tallit or tefilin bags are also available separately at around $17 each.

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