Rabbi Yossi Ben Pazi

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Rabbi Yossi Ben Pazi started studying Torah as a method of attaining wealth. Overtime purified by the Torah he studied, Rabbi Yossi Ben Pazi regretted the notion and repenting, becoming a scholar in the school of the Zohar. His story is mentioned in the Zohar Parshas Lech Lecha.

Torah for Wealth

Rabbi Abba went around announcing in various Bati Medrashim that whoever wanted wealth and a lengthy life should come study Torah. He was approached by a young man named Yossi said he was willing to study Torah on condition that it would make him wealthy. Rebbe Abba instructed his students to teach him Torah and they would mockingly refer to him as 'Yossi who lusts money'.

The Golden Goblet

After a while Yossi approached Rebbe Abba and demanded to know where the promised wealth was. Rebbe Abba was about to punish him for so brazenly learning Torah not for its sake but at the moment he heard a Bas Kol telling him to abstain for one day Yossi would be a great scholar.

The next day a wealth man arrived at the Yeshiva of Rebbe Abba. He declared that he wished to study Torah but had no time. He proceeded by pulling a goblet created from refined gold, called 'Paz', stating that he was willing to give this valuable object to a scholar that was willing to study and give him a portion of the merit. Rebbe Abba called Yossi and gave him the golden goblet as a payment for studying Torah in merit of his benefactor. Yossi agreed and continued to study Torah with great diligence until he became a great scholar.


As Yossi studied Torah, it purified him. He soon began to regret his ulterior intentions for studying Torah. He regretted having sold a portion of the everlasting merit for physical gold. Once Rebbe Abba saw Rabbi Yossi crying. When he inquired, Rabbi Yossi told him his great remorse and asked Rabbi Abba to take back the goblet.

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