Parashat Miketz

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Parshas Miketz is the 10th parsha in the Book of Berashis. It contains 146 pesukim. For the Haftora, the section of Milachim describing the first trial of King Shlomo involving two woman arguing over the mothership of a surviving baby, is read.


Pharaoh's Dream

Two years following the incident of the Royal Baker and Cupbearer, Pharaoh had two dreams. In the first he witnessed seven fat cows emerge from the Nile river that were soon devoured by seven skinny cows that followed them. In a consecutive dream he saw seven thin ears of grain swallow seven healthy ones. All his sages and sorcerers could not give an acceptable interpretation.

First Dream

In his dream Pharaoh was standing by the Nile river and saw seven handsome, plump cows emerging from the water, continuing to pasture in the marshland of reed grass. Pharaoh then witnessed seven ugly, thin cows emerging after them from the Nile. They stood beside the seven fat cows on the Nile bank and proceeded to devour them. Pharaoh then awoke. This occurred to create space between the dreams so Pharaoh would not forget them or intertwine them.

Second Dream

Pharaoh fell back asleep and had a similar second dream where he observed seven ears of healthy, good grain growing on one stalk. He then saw seven ears of grain growing after them that looked thin and beaten by the east wind. These thin ears of grain proceeded to swallow up the seven healthy, full ears of grain. Pharaoh awoke, realizing it was a dream with a hidden message that would require interpretation since the dreams of kings have serious ramifications upon all their people.

Troubled Spirit

In the morning Pharaoh awoke with his spirit troubled, agitated and knocking within him like a bell. During the dreams he was also informed of their interpretation, now Pharaoh remembered the dreams but was ignorant their meaning. This was unlike Nebuchadnetzar who forgot his dream as well. Pharaoh summoned all the sages of Egypt as well as its sorcerers who could divine answers through the bones of the dead, relating his dreams to them but none could provide an acceptable interpretation. Some said that he would have seven daughters and then bury them but Pharaoh had no satisfaction from their interpretation.

Cupbearer's Confession

All along, the Royal Cupbearer knew Yosef had the power to interpret Pharaoh's dream but refrained from divulging this out of jealousy for the reward Yosef would be granted. Upon seeing that Pharaoh was on the verge of insanity and fearing that he might be replaced from his position in the new government of a successor, the Cupbearer spoke with Pharaoh. First he recollected his crime that sent him to the Chief Executioner's prison along with the Chief Baker. He then related how they both had dreams on the same night, that were fit for interpretation and were properly interpreted by Yosef, according to the dream and close to its contents. Both interpretations had come true, Pharaoh having restored restored him to his position of Cupbearer, while the Baker hung.

Being wicked, the Cupbearer described Yosef with contempt, calling him a 'youthful Hebrew slave'. Implying that he was foolish and therefore unfit for a high position, a foreigner that did not even speak Egyptian properly and a slave, which according the Laws of Egypt made him unfit to hold a position of rulership or wear royal attire.

Release of Yosef

Pharaoh sent for Yosef and he was rushed from the dungeon pit, first having his long jail hair cut and prison garments changed, in honor of the throne. It was his dreams that first sent Yosef into slavery and now it was through dreams that he was released. Unlike humans, Hashem has the power to afflict and then cure with the same item.

Interpretation Request

Pharaoh related that he had a dream but no one could interpret it but heard that Yosef could. Despite this being a once in a lifetime opportunity to attain freedom, honor and wealth, Yosef responded that it was not his wisdom but rather it was Hashem that would place an answer in his mouth, that would bring peace to Pharaoh.

Pharaoh describing his first dream where he stood on the bank of the Nile and watched seven handsome, plump cows emerge and then pasture in the marshland. They were followed by the seven such thin ugly cows that he ad never seen the like in the entire land of Egypt. These thin ugly cows devoured the first seven healthy cows, which went inside them but did not change their ugly thin appearance and was as if they had swallowed nothing.

Pharaoh continued and described his second dream where he saw seven ears of healthy good grain growing on one stalk. These were followed by seven ears of hardened, thin, eastern wind beaten grains, which proceeded to swallow up the seven good ears of grain. He had already related these dreams to his sorcerers but none could interpret them.

Yosef's Interpretation

Yosef replied that Hashem was telling Pharaoh his future plans through the dreams and both contained the same message. Both the seven good cows and the seven good ears of grain represented a period of prosperity lasting seven years. Handsome cows of good appearance symbolize days of plenty, when creatures appear handsome to one another, for no one envies his fellow. Both the seven thin cows and the seven empty ears of grain represent a seven year period of famine.

Yosef then stated that seven years of great plenty were coming throughout the entire land of Egypt. Seven years of famine would then follow, where all the plenty will be forgotten and the famine will destroy the land, as implied by the 'swallowing'. So severe will be the famine that it would be as if the years of plenty never happened, as implied by no noticeable change after the 'swallowing'.

Concerning the repetition of the dream to Pharaoh, it was a message from Hashem that He is hastening to execute it.

Yosef's Advice

Concluding the interpretation, Yosef went on, advising Pharaoh to seek out an understanding, wise man and appoint him over the land of Egypt. Officials should then be appointed to prepare the country during the seven years of plenty by collecting food during these good years, to store in each city in the storehouses of Pharaoh under his custody. This food would remain as a reserve for the land during the seven years of famine, so that the land would not be destroyed.

Appointment of Yosef

Pharaoh and all his servants were pleased by Yosef's advice. Pharaoh commented to his servants that even were they to search, where else aside from Yosef would they find a man like this upon which rests the spirit of Hashem. Pharaoh then told Yosef that since Hashem had let him know all of this, they would not be able to find the wise understanding man he had advised, that was better then himself. He is therefore appointing Yosef over his household, and through his command all Egyptians shall be nourished. Only Pharaoh himself would remain greater than Yosef and would retain the title of 'king'.

Then announcing how he had appointed Yosef over the entire Land of Egypt, Pharaoh removed the ring from his own hand and placed it on Yosef's hand, dressed him with a garment of locally valued fine linen, and placed a golden chain around his neck. Giving of the king’s ring was a sign, promoting the recipient to be second to him in rank.

Linen Garment

Even great Tzadikim, as long as they have not been tested, have to fear that they have not completely vested themselves from all contaminated spiritual garments. It is only through passing tests that they can completely rid themselves of these contaminated garments. When Yosef passed the test of Potifar's wife, he rid himself of these contaminated garments. This was manifested by him leaving his garment in her hand and fleeing outside. Now, having been released from jail and completely passing this ongoing testing episode, Yosef was given a fine linen garment which manifested his complete doning of only pure spiritual garments. Later Yosef rose to a higher level of Tzadik, that is able to clean even his students and friends from contaminated garments and therefore dressed each of his brothers in fresh garments.

Second to King

Pharaoh then had Yosef ride in the chariot of 'second to king', that would ride along side his own, thereby appointing him over the entire land of Egypt. Wherever Yosef went they called out before him "Avrech" literally; 'This is the king's patron' but also denoting that Yosef was a father in wisdom but young in years as well a reference to the knees of the people who would all enter and exit under his control.

During this ceremony Pharaoh once again had to clarify that it was through the power of his rulership over the land, that he was decreeing that without the agreement of Yosef no one may raise their hand to bear arms or their foot to ride a horse in the entire land of Egypt. Despite Pharaoh still remains the supreme ruler over the land. Pharaoh then renamed Yosef, calling him Zaphenath Pa'neach - 'He who explains hidden things'. Yosef was thirty years old at the time of this ceremony.

Marriage to Osenat

Pharaoh gave Yosef, Osenat the daughter of Poti Phera, the governor of On, for a wife. This was no other then the daughter of Shecem and Dina who had been adopted by Potifar who was now referred to as Poti Phera who had became emasculated since he desired Yosef for impure relations.

Years of Prosperity

Efraim and Menashe

Years of Famine

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