Parashat Shemini

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Parashas Shemini is the third parsha in the Book of Vayikra. It contains 91 pesukim. For the Haftora, a section King Dovid's bringing of the Aron is read.


Eighth Inauguration Day

The eighth inauguration day took place on Rosh Chodesh Nissan. Moshe instructed Aharon in the presents of the elders to sacrifice that day a personal Kurban Olah and Chatas, Chatas, two Olas, two Shilamim and a Mincha for the Nation.

Aharon's Sacrifices

Moshe commands Aharon to offer his sacrifices. Aharon brings a calf for a Chatas, slaughters it, throws the blood, sacrifices its parts and then burns its remainders. He then brings a ram for an Olah, which he slaughters, throws its blood and then sacrifices it.

Public Sacrifices

Aharon offers the public sacrifices; the Chatas, Olah, Mincha and Shilamim.

Priestly Blessing

Aharon blesses the Jews with the Birchat Kohanim. Moshe and Aharon then bless the Nation.

Heavenly Fire

A heavenly fire descends onto the Mizbeach and the Jews fall on their faces, giving praise.

Other Sacrifices

Aside from the sacrifices of Aharon and the Nation, the daily Korban Tomid was offered, as well as the Rosh Chodes goat offering. Additionally it was the first day of the Korban Nasim and Nachshon ben Aminadav brought his offering.

Death of Nadav and Avihu

Nadav and Avihu offer a self-decided Ketoret incense and their souls are burnt. Moshe tells Aharon this incident was foretold by Hashem and he accepts and accepts the ruling with love. Moshe commands Elazar and Itamar to remove the bodies of their brothers and then refrain from any mourning.

Prohibition of Drunkenness in Temple

Hashem speaks directly to Aharon revealing to him the prohibition of drinking before performing services in the Beit Hamikdash or Mishkan as well as before issuing a ruling. Ahron merited this personal prophecy as a reward for accepting the death of his children with silence and love.

Burnt Rosh Chodesh Goat

Kosher Animals

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