Parashat Tetzaveh

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Parshas Tetzaveh is the eighth parsha in the Book of Shemos and the final week of Shovavim-Tat on leap years. It contains 101 pesukim. For the Haftora; Yechezkel's prophecy about the Third Beis Hamikdash, is read.


Menorah Service

Hashem tells Moshe to command the Jews to bring to him pure olive oil for lighting the Menorah. It is to be lit each evening until the morning by Aharon or his descendants in its location in the Ohel Moed. Lighting the Menorah is a commandment for all generations where applicable.

Bigdei Kehuna

Hashem tell Moshe to separate Aharon and his sons Nadav, Avehu, Elazar and Itamar from the rest of the Jews and turn them into priests. He is then told to create special garments of honor for Aharon. These garments include the Choshen, Efod, Me’il, Katonet, Mitznefet and Avnet. They are to be created from gold, fine linen as well as blue, scarlet and purple dyed wool by those that have wisdom in their hears. These garments were to be worn by the Kohanim whenever they performed services in the Mishakan or even entered the Ohel Moed. Failure to do so was punishable by death.

Efod / Apron

The Efod was an apron made from gold, fine linen and wool dyed in blue, scarlet and purple colors. It had two shoulder straps, each set with a large sardonyx stone with the name of six tribes engraved on it in the order of their birth. These were to serve as a remembrance of the Jews in front of Hashem.

Choshen / Breastplate

The Choshen was a breastplate that was held up by two gold chains. It was square and composed of from gold, fine linen and wool dyed in blue, scarlet and purple colors. It contained four horizontal rows each with three gemstones embedded in it. Each of the two upper corners had a gold ring that held the golden chains that connected it to the Ephod. Once connected, the Choshen is never to be removed from the Ephod. On the stones were engraved the names of the twelve tribes, this way they would be carried by Aharon over his heart when he enters the Holy and serve as a remembrance before Hashem constantly. In back of the Chosen the Urim and the Tummim were placed.

Rows of the Choshen

  1. Odem, Pitdah, and Bareketh
  2. Nofech, Sappir, and Yahalom
  3. Leshem, Shevo, and Achlamah
  4. Tarshish, Shoham, and Yashpheh

Me’il / Robe

The Me'il was a robe consisting solely of blue dyed wool. It had an opening on its top similar to the opening of a coat of armor. It was turned inward and had a border around it, the work of a weaver so it should not be torn. On the bottom hem of the Me'il there was a row of alternating golden bells and pomegranates. Each pomegranate was created from blue, purple, and crimson dyed wool. When Aharon enters the Holy and leaves the bells would make noise.

Tzitz / Headband

The Tzitz was a headband of pure gold with the words 'Holy to YKVK' engraved upon it. This was worn of Aharons forehead and was held up by straps of dyed blue wool that went over the Mitznephet. The Tzitz atoned for the sins of improper sacrifices and help make the Jews favorable before Hashem.

Katonet / Tunic

The Katonet was a tunic of pure linen created through checkered work. It was worn by both the high priest as well as by regular priests.

Mitznefet / Turban

The Mitznefet was a turban of pure linen. There were two versions of the Mitznefet those worn by regular Kohanim was tall and pointy and called 'Migbaot' while the one worn by the Kohen Gadol was more flat and referred to as the 'Mitznefet'.

Avnet / Belt

The Avnet was a belt of pure linen created with embroidery work.

Michnasaim / Pants

The Michnasaim were linen pants that extended from the waist down to the thighs.

Yimay HaMiluim

Inauguration Sacrifice

Moshe is instructed to bring an inauguration sacrifice used to sanctify Aharon and his sons consisting of one young bull and two rams all in perfect uninjured condition. These were brought along with unleavened bread and unleavened loaves mixed with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil; all made from fine wheat flour and placed in a basket.

Apointment of Aharon & Sons

Aharon and his sons were brought near the entrance of the Ohel Moed where Moshe bathed them in water. He then dressed Aharon with the Katonet, Me’il, Ephod, Choshen, Mitznefet and Tzitz. After this Moshe took the anointing oil and poured it on Aharon's head. Aharon's sons were then clothed with Katonets, girdled with Avnets and had Migbaot high hats placed on their heads.

Sacrifice of the Bull

Aharon and his sons then leaned their hands upon the head of the bull in front of Ohel Moed and there it was slaughtered for the sake of a Chatas - sin offering. Moshe then took some of the bull's blood and applied it with his finger to the horns of the alter. The remaining blood he proceeded to pour upon the base of the altar. Moshe then took the fat that covers the innards, the diaphragm with the liver, also the two kidneys and the fat upon them and burnt them upon the altar. The flesh of the bull, its hide and its dung were burnt by Moshe in fire outside the camp.

First Ram Sacrifice

Aharon and his sons leaned their hands upon the first ram's head which served as a 'Olah' - burn offering. Moshe then slaughtered the ram and sprinkled its all around the altar. He then dissected the ram into parts, washed out its innards and legs, then regrouped them with its other parts and head, after which he burnt them upon the altar.

Second Ram Sacrifice

Aharon and his sons leaned their hands upon the second ram's head. Moshe then slaughtered the ram and took from its blood and put it upon the cartilage of Aaron and his son's right ears, upon the thumbs of their right hands and upon the big toes of their right feet. He then sprinkled blood all around the altar.

Some of the sprinkled blood was taken by Moshe from the alter and was sprinkled along with anointing oil upon Aharon and his sons and their garments, making both the individuals and their clothing holy.

Korban Tamid

Mizbeach Hazahav

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