Parashat Yisro

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Parshas Yisro is the fifth parsha in the Book of Shemos and the 5th week of Shovavim. It contains 72 pesukim. For the Haftora; Yishayahu's vision of the heavenly throne is read, Ashkanazim continue to read Yishayah's prophecy to Achaz during the attack from the kingdoms of Yisroel and Aram.


Yisro's Arrival

Yitro hears all the miracles that Hashem performed for the Jews and how He took them out of Egypt. Yitro takes his daughter Tzipora, Moshe's wife and her two sons Gershom and Eliezer and travels to Moshe who is encamped with the Jewish Nation by Mount Sini. Gershom was named after Moshe's stature as a foreigner in a strange land and Eliezer was named in commemoration of Hashem saving him from the sward of Pharaoh's executioner.

Yitro sends a messenger to Moshe announcing their arrival. Moshe goes out to great them and is followed by the entire nation. He kisses, hugs and welcomes his father in law and then informs him of all the miracles that Hashem performed for the Jews. Yisro is happy and blesses Hashem, saying he now fully recognizes his greatness. He then offers a sacrifice to Hashem and Aharon and the elders come to eat with him.

Yisro's Advice

The day following Yom Kipor, Moshe began to judge the nation. People would come to him from the morning to the night. Yitro sees this and rebukes him, saying it is not a good system and it will cause him to wither. He then advises him to appoint powerful, truthful men who fear Hashem and despise bribers as sub officers under him. There would be four ranks; officers over ten, officers of fifty, officers of one hundred and officers of one thousand. They will judge the smaller cases and the larger cases they will pass up until it reaches Moshe himself. Moshe listens to the advice of Yisro and appoints officers creating the advised system of national support. After this Moshe sends Yisro back home to Midyon.

Perpetration to Receive Torah

First Ascent

On Rosh Chodesh Sivan around two and a half months after leaving Egypt, the Jews arrive in the Sinai desert and camp across from Mount Sinai. Moshe ascends the mountain and Hashem commands him to relate to the women and men of Israel, reminding them what he did to Egypt and how he carried them on eagle wings. If the Jews now agree to follow Him then they will serve as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.

Moshe descends and relates this message to the Jewish elders. The entire nation answers they are willing to commit to whatever Hashem wishes even before they hear the actual request.

Second Ascent

Moshe ascends a second time and gives the answer to Hashem Who then informs him that he will speak the commandments to him in the thickness of the cloud so the Jews will overhear their conversation and will believe in Moshe as well.

Giving of the Torah

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