Uman Rosh Hashana

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===Motzay Yom Tov===
===Motzay Yom Tov===
===Tzom Gidalya===

Revision as of 19:31, 1 October 2012

Uman Rosh Hashanah
Uman Rosh Hashana Gathering
קיבוץ ברסלב באומן ראש השנה
Other Names
Rosh Hashanah Kibutz, Uman Uman Rosh Hashana, Breslov Rosh Hashana Gathering
Annual gathering of Breslov Chasidim at the grave of their leader, Rebbe Nachman in the city of Uman, Ukraine for the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashana.

An annual pilgrimage of the Breslov Chasidim to the grave of their founder, Rebbe Nachman in Uman, Ukraine during the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah. Originally the gathering took place during the life of Rebbe Nachman and was then continued by his student Rebbe Nasson after his masters death. In recent years an average of 40,000 Jews attend the gathering each Rosh Hashana.


Tickets and Flights

Many people try to take advantage of the visitors to the Rosh Hashana gathering and ticket prices from Israel to Ukraine jump from an average $300 to $750 - $1100 in the days surrounding Rosh Hashana. Prices from other countries do not vary much since there is not enough of an influx. Tickets from the USA average around $1100. While travel agents definitely get a nice cut of the overpriced tickets, the airlines themselves also get a fair share of the blame. Some insiders claim that the prices are bumped up since they know Breslov Chasidim will be forced to pay them regardless, they also claim the airlines hold the market in a mafia like grip along with the Ukrainian government, preventing any new players from entering. It must also be taken into consideration that some of the plains travel back emptier in one of the directions, since all the traffic is focused one way. Most visitors arrive a day or two before Rosh Hashana and leave within the same period of time after the holiday. There are those that arrive earlier and remain until after Yom Kipor or the third day of Chal Hamoed Sukkot, the Hillula of Rabbi Nachman. Those that stay for longer then the standard amount of time save on their airfare.

Charters vs. Set Flights

Often the leading travel agencies book charter flights where they control all the seats. These charter flights are often cheaper then set flights but are less reliable, they often are more likely to be subject to delays and mistreatment. Additionally travelers using charter flights do not return via the regular terminals in Odessa and Kiev, instead they are forced to use makeshift tent terminal in back of these airports. There they are often made to wait for long periods in the freezing cold and are subject to much mistreatment. Some chasidim prefer to use the charter flights since they do not allow women on them and make it easier for them to guard their eyes from immodesty.


Kiev and Odessa are the two main airports used to travel to Uman, both are 3.5 to 4 hours away. Recently flights started arriving in the new Vinnitsa, which is only 2 hours away, and are increasing by the year. Transportation from the airports to Uman is either via private Ukrainian drivers or through vans, organized by Uman Express and Euro Pnim. In early years most visitors who could not afford the private taxis would travel in large buses organized by the travel agencies. Use of buses has greatly decreased since the innovation of the faster and more efficient vans.

Free and Discounted Tickets

For a few years free tickets were given out to individuals that had never yet been to Uman, this project costing in the millions was led by Yisroel Zinger. This endeavor did not last long term and ended after 3-4 years. Nachali Aytanim, the Shuvu Banim agency tried offering subsidized tickets but when they failed to raise enough funds they were forced to cancel the promotion and refund the money.

Travel Agencies

There are a number of companies that have formed over the years to monetize the Uman pilgrimage.

Derech Tzadikim

Run by the Gabbi family, also does cross country tours to various Kivray Tzadikim in Ukraine and Europe in general, an industry they helped create through their Ohali Tzadikim organization.

Revivos - Kanfi Nesharim

Kanfi Nesharim recently changed their name to Revivos.

Nachali Eytanim

Nachlay Atanim is run by Shuvu Banim, sometimes they offer discounted and subsidized tickets but are not reliable and sometimes cancel a little before Rosh Hashana.

Self Booked Tickets

Some people prefer to avoid the Charadi travel agencies and prefer to book tickets via the internet or regular travel agents. This opens up many more options including stopovers in Egypt, Poland, Romania and Turkey which and drastically lower the overpriced fares.


There is no set schedule in Uman and no one enforcing it. There is however a rough routine that has developed based on Breslov customs, Halacha, initiations of the Uman committees and practices that developed over the years.

Zechor Bris

Erev Rosh Hashana has longer Selichot then any other day, referred to as Zechor Bris, which can take 2-3 hours to recite. While there are many other smaller minyonim for Slichas, a very large one take place at the Kloyize in the wee hours of the morning.

Erev Rosh Hashana

Tikkun Klali

Buying A Knife

In Sefer Hamidos it brings down that it is a Segulah for wealth to buy a knife on Erev Rosh Hashana. There are a number of men that pedal knives on the streets near the Tziyun. Part of the Segula involves sharpening the knife and reciting "Hachotech Chayim Lkol Chi" - "He who cuts life to all the living". Most knives sellers offer a knife sharpener allowing their buyers to sharpen their knives. Some people try to immerse their knives in the mikva before Yom Tov.

Pidyon Nefesh


It is customary to get a haircut on Erev Rosh Hashana and many people choose to get their head shaven, leaving only the beard and payius.


Most visitors to Uman are daily Mikva users, however even those that are not will immerse on Erev Rosh Hashana. Most people immerse in the main Uman mikvah or in one of the smaller one but some people prefer to immerse in the local lake or river since they offer a higher level of purity.

First Night

First Day


Second Night

Second Day


Motzay Yom Tov

Tzom Gidalya


The Uman Committee normally organizes different Shiurim given in various locations by various Rabbis at different times throughout the Uman stay. Most Shiurim are in Hebrew but some are given in English by American rabbis. Some Breslovers such as the Na Nach disagree with this concept.




Watching Items

Food and Meals



Local Market


There are dozens of minyanim on Rosh Hashana in the area surrounding the Tziyun and the proceeding streets.

Around Tziyun

There is a large Sefardic minyon in the outside section of the Tziyun. In the inside there is a Yeminite minyan. Behind the Tziyun is the Minyan of the Nanach's who follow the path of Rabbi Yisroel Ber Odesser. In the side rooms is the lengthy minyan of Rabbi Yitzchock Meir Morgenstern and his followers and some other Sephardic minyanim. The entrance of the Tziyun serves like a shtible with 2-3 minyanim taking place at a time with new ones starting as the old ones end. In the block surrounding the Tziyun as well as the main square many small minyonim take place, mostly in Nusach Edut Hamizrach.

The Kloze

The Kloze was built by the various Breslov communities that existed throughout the past decade. It was created to emulate the original Kloze that was built by Rebbe Nasson and contained the Rosh Hashanah prayers during his life and proceeding years. The Kluyze contains two large Shuls. On the first floor is the large Sefardik minyon. On the secound floor is the large Ashkanazi minyon, where most of the traditional Breslovers pray, as well as Rabbi Koenig, Rabbi Berland, Rabbi Arush and their followers. This section contains two large balconies where younger Yeshiva students sit. All seats in the Kloyze are sold. Prices in the Ashkanazi minyon range much higher then the Sephardic minyan, sometimes in the hundreds of dollars for prime locations. Many people have established rights to certain seats, having purchased this for thousands of dollars. Prayers in the Ashkanazic section are drawn out with a lot of singing by the Chazan and end late. In the earlier years of the Uman gathering, everyone would pray at the Kloyze. Rabbi Yisroel Odesser was the first to officially break away, establishing a Nanach minyan with his followers.

The Metetroton

The Metetroton is a large store house a little down the road from the Tziyun. It initially served as a lunch room where many of the people ate their meals. It was later taken over by Rabbi Elizer Shick and his Chasidim who established a minyan there.

Other Minyonim

Most Rabbis that do not pray in the Kloyze make minyonim with their followers in various locations. Other groups make minyonim as well, sometimes in the area they rented out for the week. There is also a Chabad minyan in back of the abandoned Shari Tziyun hotel.

Breslov Niggunim



There is a long on going debate of whether Cohanim are allowed to visit the graves of Tzadikim since they do not carry impurity. Some people say it is permitted, others say it is a Biblical transgression for Kohanim to do so. This is further complicated in situation like the Kever of Rebbe Nachman that is located in middle of a cemetery, surrounded by many other graves of which many are not Tzadikim. Yet there were many Kohanim that still would visit the Tziyon itself, causing controversy.

Initially a small ramp was built for kohanim which led to a small room in back of the Tziyun using Halachic technology to prevent the transfer of impurity, this allowed Kohanim to get relatively close to the Tziyon with out any worries. Recently the old ramp was removed allowing for the expansion of the Nanach minyan behind the Tziyun. In its place a large bridge was built from the entrants of the Gabbi Mikvah to center of the outside half of the Tziyun. A large split was then created in the roof of the outside part of the Tziyun running across its entire length, Halachicly separating 80% of the room and making it permissible for use by Cohanim.


Kivrei Tzadikim

Many visitor to Uman often try to visit other Kivrei Tzadikim during their trip to the Ukraine. Locally they visit the Kevraim of Rabbi Shimshon Barskey and Rabbi Avraham Chazan. Often visitors will travel to Rebbe Nasson, the Baal Shem Tov, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev and return to Uman, a route that takes 18 hours. Some visitors will only go to part of the three or do it on their way to or from the Kiev or Vinnitsa airports to save time.

New Jewish Cemetery

The entire area around the Rebbe Nachman's Kever is the 'Old Cemetery'. On the bottom of the hill a little past the lake on the right side of the road is the 'New Jewish Cemetery'. This cemetery was almost completely razed during WWII and the following communist reign. It now appears like an empty field. Based on the testimonies of elderly locals the approximate locations of the graves of Rabbi Shimshon Barsky and Rabbi Avraham ben Nachman Chazan were established and Matzavous were erected. Also buried in this cemetery are Rabbi Elyakim Getzel, Rabbi Naftali a main disciple of Rebbe Nachman, Rabbi Nachman Chaylus a grandson of Rabbi Nachman, Rabbi Yosef Yonah the youngest son of Rebbe Nasson and Rabbi Nachman Tulshiner one of Rebbe Nasson's main students. A memorial was also built for the 3,000 Jews that were murdered by locals during 1919 and buried in the cemetery in a mass grave.

House of Rebbe Nachman

Also visited is the house where Rabbi Nachman passed away, which is still standing in its original condition.


Rebbe Nasson of Nimirov is buried in the city of Breslov which is around and hour and a half away from Uman.


Rabbi Yisroel Baal Shem Tov is buried in Mezibuz around 3 hours away from Uman along with his grandchildren and other tzadikim. Visitors to Mezibuz often stop by in the old Bais Medrash of the Baal Shem Tov as well.


Kever Rabbi Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev is located around 3 hours away from Uman.

Other Kevarim

There are dozens of other kevray tazadikim and Jewish cemeteries throughout Ukrainian. Ohalei Tzadikim, an organization run by Yisroel Meir Gabbai attempts to prevent the destruction and maintain upkeep of these locations. They publish a book and map with the location of these various kevarim.

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