Rabbi Shlomo Molcho

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== Rome==
== Rome==
Met Pope Clement VII and tried convincing him that the redemption of the Jewish Nation was here. In Rome,  Rabbi Shlomo Molcho lived amongst the paupers on the Tibur bridge for the period of one month as he was commanded to do so in his dreams. He prophesied about a flood in Rome and an earthquake in Portugal, both of which came true.
Met Pope Clement VII and tried convincing him that the redemption of the Jewish Nation was here. He tried convincing him to allow for the formation of a Morano army that would wage a war against the Ottoman Empire to free the Land of Israel from their hands. In Rome,  Rabbi Shlomo Molcho lived amongst the paupers on the Tibur bridge for the period of one month as he was commanded to do so in his dreams. He prophesied about a flood in Rome and an earthquake in Portugal, both of which came true.

Revision as of 09:39, 16 January 2012

(Hebrew: רבי שלמה מולכו‎ / Life: 1501 Lisbon, Portugal - 13 December 1532 Mantua, Italy / Other Names: Hakadosh Rebbe Shlomo, Solomon Molcho, Diogo Pires, HaRaShaM / Spelling: Malcho, Shelomo Molkho, Molko)


Early Life

Shlomo Malcho was born in 1501 to a family of marranos in Lisbon, Portugal. His original Christian name was Diogo Pires. Already recognized as a prodigy in his youth, Shlomo Molcho's mastery of various languages and royal social bearings secured for him at the young age of 22 a position as scribe in the royal court of Emanuel I King of Portugal.

Dovid Reuvani

After Dovid Reuvani appeared in Portugal in 1523, Shlomo Malcho started experiencing frightening and astounding dreams.

Bris Milah

In his dreams Shlomo Malcho was commanded to circumcise himself. That night he ahead and preformed a Bris Milah on himself with no one around. Despite his almost complete lack of even the most basic elements of Judaism, he awoke from his circumcision with deep and broad knowledge of the Hebrew language and the Holy Torah.


After circumcising himself, Diogo Pires changed his name to Shlomo Malcho and left Portugal headed towards Salonica. Upon reaching his destination he joined the Yeshiva of Rabbi Yosef Taitazak who taught him Kabbalah. While in Turkey he met up with Rabbi Shlomo Alkabetz and Rabbi Yosef Karo both who whom he managed to impress.


Rabbi Shlomo Malcho reached Eretz Yisroel and preached at the gates of Yerushalaim also passing through Tzfat.


Where ever Rabbi Shlomo Molcho would go he would give fiery speeches to the masses. The goal of his speeches were to awaken his listeners to take actions that would hasten the redemption. Rabbi Shlomo Molcho would preach about doing Tesuva, about the nearness of the final redemption urging people to fast, do Tikunim and to pray to Hashem with great devotion.

Both Jews and Christians attended these sermons. Often Rabbi Shlomo Molcho would discuss the upcoming fall of Rome and Christianity and the revival of Judea. Many listeners believed his words and anticipated their actualization. He had a very charismatic personality which helped as well.


Met Pope Clement VII and tried convincing him that the redemption of the Jewish Nation was here. He tried convincing him to allow for the formation of a Morano army that would wage a war against the Ottoman Empire to free the Land of Israel from their hands. In Rome, Rabbi Shlomo Molcho lived amongst the paupers on the Tibur bridge for the period of one month as he was commanded to do so in his dreams. He prophesied about a flood in Rome and an earthquake in Portugal, both of which came true.


Rabbi Shlomo Molcho's prophesies and speeches created opposition amongst certain Jews, who were afraid of reawakening the wrath of the Inquisition. A number of these Jews made attempt to inform on him to the Inquisition, but he was protected by the Pope and heads of the Church who were impressed by his personality and his prophecies that came true.

His main opponent was Doctor Yackov Mantino who made numerous attempts to have Rabbi Shlomo Molcho arrested and brought to trial by the Inquisition for converting back to Judaism after being born a Christian.

Martyrs Death

In 1532 Rabbi Shlomo Molcho was burnt at the stake at age 31 after refusing the opportunity to once again become a Christian and walk away free. His last words were "Regarding this that I lived with this religion (Christianity), my heart is bitter and troubled. Now do as is good in your eyes and let my soul return to her fathers house like her youth, for it was better for me then then now". Due to his act of martyrdom, Rabbi Shlomo Molcho is called Hakadosh 'the holy one' by Jewish leaders, a title that is rarely used. Rabbi Yosef Karo envied his death and wished that he could too die Al Kidush Hashem.


Rabbi Shlomo Molcho was an expert of Kabblah and also delved deeply into Kabbalah Massit. Rabbi Chaim Vital in the introduction to Shari Kedusha uses him as a prime example of the dangerous consequences of using Practical Kabbalah.


His books were not reprinted often.

Sefer Hamefoar

Sefer Hamefoar is a collection of some Sermons given by Rabbi Shlomo Molcho. It includes kabalistic interpretations of the Torah. Talks about the ten Sefirot. This book shows the complete mastery that Rabbi Shlomo Molcho had over the entire Tanach. Sefer Hamefoar was first sent by Rabbi Shlomo Molcho to his friends in Salonica who had requested him to send some of his Torah.

In the introduction to Sefer Hamefoar Rabbi Shlomo Molcho includes a small poem composed from verses found in Tehilim 119, with the first letter of each line spelling out his name. Rabbi Shlomo Molcho writes that he had the ability to create this Sefer 2 years before he did so but held himself back since the time was not ripe. He also was afraid that his teachings might be misinterpreted and gives some explanation in the back of the book called Hitznaslus Hamechaber. Rabbi Shlomo Molcho writes at the end of Sefer Hamefoar that he was currently working on another Sefer to explain some of mysteries found in the words of the Sages, however it does not seem that this manuscript was ever published.

Chayas Kanah

Describes visions seen by the author.

Personal Articles

A number of Rabbi Shlomo Molcho's personal items are today displayed at Jewish Museum of Prague. These include his robe and flag. These were originally given over to Rabbi Yoslimon when he met with Shlomo Molcho before his meeting with King Carol. From these items were sent to the city of Raznishbork and were then moved to Prague where they were stored in the Pinchas Shul. These included his Tzitzis, robes and two flags. It seems that the Tzitzis and one flag were lost over the years.


In the laws of Tzizis the Magen Avraham brings down the custom of Rabbi Shlomo Molcho of having the amount of wrappings that total the numerical value of the Shem Havaya. This is done by wrapping it ten times around the first set of knots, then five, six and ten. This tradition is practiced by some Sefardim until this day. Rabbi Shlomo Malcho also had his Tzizis strings dyed green. In his commentary on the Rosh, the Tosfes Yom Tov brings down this tradition in the name of Rabbi Shlomo Malch. He then mentions that he saw Rabbi Shlomo Malchos Tzitzis with his own eyes on display in the Pinchas Shul of Prague where he would study before he was appointed Av Bais Din.

The Tzizis are made from silk with a yellowish greenish tint. The strings are dyed green. They were brought to the Pinchos Shul from the city of Raznishbork.


On the flags were inscribed the letters Macabi that are and acronym for MI Kamocha Belim Hashem. A similar inscription was carried on the flags of the Macabees.


A copy of Rabbi Shlomo Molcho's signature has been preserved, showing a flag as part of the design.


Yortzite of Rabbi Shlomo Molcho is on the 5th of Teves.

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