The Holy Land of Israel Booklet

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Work in progress.  To be translated from the Hebrew document at
Work in progress.  To be translated from the Hebrew document at
'''Eretz Israel'''
'''Eretz Israel'''
When one wants to go to Eretz Israel he must only ask Hashem for matnas chinam (free gifts) as it says “and he prayed (va’eschanan) to Hashem at that time saying”. (LM 2,208)
When one wants to go to Eretz Israel he must only ask Hashem for matnas chinam (free gifts) as it says “and he prayed (va’eschanan) to Hashem at that time saying”. (LM 2,208)
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Therefore through searching for the tzaddik and coming close to him and attending to him with one’s body, soul and money, this saves one from the searching (longing?) of the ‘other side’ that is always running after money, since coming close to the tzaddik the desire for money is fixed and through this one merits Eretz Israel. (Likutay Halachos).
Therefore through searching for the tzaddik and coming close to him and attending to him with one’s body, soul and money, this saves one from the searching (longing?) of the ‘other side’ that is always running after money, since coming close to the tzaddik the desire for money is fixed and through this one merits Eretz Israel. (Likutay Halachos).
Rabbi Nachman’s Trip to Eretz Israel
==Rabbi Nachman’s Trip to Eretz Israel==
There is a lot to say about his trip to Eretz Israel with regard to the great suffering that he went through on the way there and on the way back and the great effort and the obstacles that he had before he came to Eretz Israel. (Shivchay Haran 20).
There is a lot to say about his trip to Eretz Israel with regard to the great suffering that he went through on the way there and on the way back and the great effort and the obstacles that he had before he came to Eretz Israel. (Shivchay Haran 20).
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The amazing story of the Rebbe’s trip to Eretz Israel appears in the books Shivchay Haran and Chayey Moharan under the chapter heading “The Trip To Eretz Israel”. The book “Yimay Moranat” tells about the trip of Rabbi Nasan to Eretz Israel.
The amazing story of the Rebbe’s trip to Eretz Israel appears in the books Shivchay Haran and Chayey Moharan under the chapter heading “The Trip To Eretz Israel”. The book “Yimay Moranat” tells about the trip of Rabbi Nasan to Eretz Israel.
Run Away to Eretz Israel
==Run Away to Eretz Israel==
The greatness of Eretz Israel is so great it cannot be fathomed. As we see, the whole torah from the beginning to the end is filled with the praise of Eretz Israel and all of the promises that Hashem made to the forefathers Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov were mainly about inheriting the land. Similarly all of the redemption and exile from Egypt by Moshe Rabbinu of blessed memory was to merit coming to Eretz Israel. From all this, one can see and understand from afar the greatness of the holiness of Eretz Israel since Hashem promises us so much about it. In particular one who studies the gamara, medrash, Zohar hakadosh and other holy books will see that it is clear in all of them the greatness of the holiness of Eretz Israel and the greatness of one who lives there or even merits to walk for ells in it. Therefore, if one truly believes in the holiness of Eretz Israel even a thousandth of what it really is would surely run and fly to Eretz Israel with all of his strength and nothing would stop him. (Likutay Halachos)
The greatness of Eretz Israel is so great it cannot be fathomed. As we see, the whole torah from the beginning to the end is filled with the praise of Eretz Israel and all of the promises that Hashem made to the forefathers Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov were mainly about inheriting the land. Similarly all of the redemption and exile from Egypt by Moshe Rabbinu of blessed memory was to merit coming to Eretz Israel. From all this, one can see and understand from afar the greatness of the holiness of Eretz Israel since Hashem promises us so much about it. In particular one who studies the gamara, medrash, Zohar hakadosh and other holy books will see that it is clear in all of them the greatness of the holiness of Eretz Israel and the greatness of one who lives there or even merits to walk for ells in it. Therefore, if one truly believes in the holiness of Eretz Israel even a thousandth of what it really is would surely run and fly to Eretz Israel with all of his strength and nothing would stop him. (Likutay Halachos)
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One must ask Hashem that he should have a longing for Eretz Israel until he merits coming there. Also one should ask that all of the tzaddikim should have a longing for Eretz Israel, this is a segula for nullifying anger and sadness. (Likutay Moharan 155)
One must ask Hashem that he should have a longing for Eretz Israel until he merits coming there. Also one should ask that all of the tzaddikim should have a longing for Eretz Israel, this is a segula for nullifying anger and sadness. (Likutay Moharan 155)
Faith – Providence  
==Faith – Providence==
Through setelling Eretz Israel Hashem’s providence is gained over the world.
Through setelling Eretz Israel Hashem’s providence is gained over the world.
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The main holiness of Israel is that Hashem’s  providence is there constantly. In the future when the whole world will be renewed in the aspect of Eretz Israel then the whole world will be governed through providence alone and nature will be completely nullified.
The main holiness of Israel is that Hashem’s  providence is there constantly. In the future when the whole world will be renewed in the aspect of Eretz Israel then the whole world will be governed through providence alone and nature will be completely nullified.
==The Price of Eretz Yisrael==
It is in Hashem's great kindness that He punishes a person measure for measure since in this way the person understands which sin he transgressed, and he repents for it.  And, in Eretz Yisrael Hashem pays a person mesure for measure more so than anywhere else, because it is there that they are exacting to "repay a man according to his deeds."  (Psalms 62:13)  This is hinted to in the verse, "a land that eats (OCHeLeT) its inhabitants." (Numbers 13:32)  The word OCHeLeT (eats) is an acronym for, "Ata Teshalem Le'ish Kema'asehu - You repay man according to his deeds." (Psalms 60:2)
Kitzur Likutei Moharan 187
A person must endure many hardships and obstacles before going [to Eretz Yisrae].
Once, the Rebbe z"l was explaining the unbelievable obstacles and dangers he had to endure while in Istanbul, and how he was in grave danger before arriving in Eretz Yisrael.  He then told us that we would be able to come to Eretz Yisrael with ease.  He insisted that we would not have to overcome the same obstacles and dangers that he had to.  If we desire to go to Eretz Yisrael was can do so very easily.  But, nevertheless we must certainly be willing to suffer and break through many obstacles before going there [Eretz Yisrael].  This is because  Eretz Yisrael is one of the three things Hashem gave the Jewish people, which must be obtained through suffering. (Brachos 5a)
Once the Rebbe z"l said, "It seems that there are so many Jews who have a tremendous desire to go to Eretz Yisrael, but only if it is comfortable for them.  If they must endure misery and stress they really have no desire whatsoever.  Such a desire is not real.  Someone who truly longs to go to Eretz Yisrael will be willing to walk there by foot, as it is said to Avraham, "Go (Lech Lecha)" - literally to walk [on foot].
Chayei Moharan
It is impossible to to go to Eretz Yisrael except through suffering.  The main component of this suffering is from the obstacles set up by the wicked, ie those who slander the Land.
Likutei Moharan 20
==Eretz Yisrael - The Tzaddik==
It is impossible to come to truth except by drawing close to true tzaddikim and following their advice, and without deviating to the right or to the left from their words.  And, in this way truth is etched upon a person and he merits faith, prayer,  Eretz Yisrael, and miracles.  The Redemption will come about through all these things.
Kitzur Likutei Moharan 7
Through the holiness of Eretz Yisrael one merits learning from the true Rebbe, and truth will be revealed throughout the world.  And,  through this everything returns to Hashem - even the nations of the world - to serve Hashem together.
Likutei Eitzos
The degree to which one merits binding himself to the True Tzaddik determines the portion of Eretz Yisrae he inherits. 
Likutei Eitzos
Eretz Yisrael receives its holiness from the Tzaddik, for from him comes all the blessings and all bounty. 
Likutei Eitzos
Eretz Yisrael is merited through the Torah that the Tzaddik draws down into the world. 
Erezt Yisrael, when coupled with coming close to the True Tzaddik, is related to complete faith, where one is tied up with a "holy rope".  Whoever comes close to the Tzaddik and to Eretz Yisrael is tied to Hashem Yisborach with the holy rope forever, and this knot will never be disconnected or destroyed. 
==Eretz Yisrael - The Tzaddik==
The graves of True Tzaddikim are sanctified with the holiness of Eretz Yisrael, as it is written, "The Tzaddikim will inherit the land." (Tehillim 37:29)
Eretz Yisrael is an enormous rectification for a blemish of one's covenant, and therefore one must push himself to visit the graves of Tzaddikim.  Their graves are imbued with much holiness and visiting them is a great rectification of one's bris.
Likutei Moharan 109
But, the rule is this: to be happy and to be happy, etc.  You should all be joyous, for you are dwelling in the shade of the Holy Land, and you presumably desire and yearn to wrestle in the dust of the grave of the awesome and holy one who dug and found the root of the holiness of Eretz Yisrael as is alluded to in his holy and pleasant books.  And, those of us who are here are happy to wrestle in the dust of the holy and awesome grave of he who dug and found the root of the holiness of Eretz Yisrael.  We desire and yearn to be in the dust of the Holy earth - the Holy Land.  Hashem amasses our vigorous longing until He will ensure that everything is good for us, Amen, It should be His will.
-With a true love,
Nachman, son of my master, father, and teacher R' Avraham HaLevi
Alim LeTerufah Letter 502

Latest revision as of 13:10, 6 July 2012

Work in progress. To be translated from the Hebrew document at


Eretz Israel



When one wants to go to Eretz Israel he must only ask Hashem for matnas chinam (free gifts) as it says “and he prayed (va’eschanan) to Hashem at that time saying”. (LM 2,208)

Most of the time it is impossible to come to Eretz Israel without many deterrents since through the deterrents themselves one strengthens himself with a stronger desire until he overcomes them totally. Through this one merits receiving the holiness of Eretz Israel with desire and great longing. This is the main perfection of all of the services and all holy things. For even after one reaches Eretz Israel, or any other holy thing, he must still strengthen himself with good desires and strong longing for Hashem, since this is the main thing.(Likutei Halachos Hilchos Netilas Yadaim Leseuda 6,106)

Many Tzaddikim did not merit coming to Eretz Israel without overcoming many deterrents and dangers, as is well known. However, specifically simple kosher people can come to Eretz Israel easily since the ‘evil one’ does not fight against them so hard to stop them. (Otzar HaYira)

Through intense prayer or the mitzvah of Sukkah one merits to come to Eretz Israel. Since sukkah, intense prayer and Eretz Israel are all one aspect and they are dependent on one another. (LM 1,48)

One who wants to merit Eretz Israel, which is the main holiness of a Jewish person and the main success of the war, will surely experience many difficulties with regards to this topic. Therefore, the only way to win the war is through holy brazenness and tremendous stubbornness. For one must be very stubborn in serving Hashem, not to move from his stance with all of the ups and downs that he experiences constantly.

The main glory Hashem takes from the Jewish people is in their holy brazenness. Through this is the main receiving of the torah and all of the service of a Jew is dependent on this from beginning to end. (Likutay Halachos Hilchas Bircas Hamazon 12,13,14)

Each person according to his holiness with regards to the bris and according to how much he merits to be attached and included in the true tzaddik of the generation, so he merits to inherit Eretz Israel. (Likutay Halachos Hilchos Tfila 3)

The more one purifies one’s self and serves Hashem so he conquers a part of Eretz Israel each time, and deals with fixing the path to Eretz Israel. (Likutay Halachos, Bais Kneses 5, 8 11).

The main kedusha of a Jewish person is in Eretz Israel. Each Jew has a part in the land and according to how much he purifies himself and makes himself holy so too he draws upon himself the holiness of Eretz Israel and so too he merits acquiring and conquering a part of Eretz Israel.

The opposite is also true, chas veshalom, according to ones sins so too one damages the holiness of Eretz Israel and is distanced from it as it says, “because of our sins we were exiled from our land”.

The main revelation of Hashem’s kingship that will be revealed by Moshiach, who should come speedily in our days, is in Eretz Israel and Jerusalem and from there is all of the revelation of the Godliness in the world.

However, it is impossible to conquer Eretz Israel without the True Tzaddik as it says “Tzaddikim inherit the land” and the main belief in the sages is believing in the True Tzaddik, that everything that they say and do has great secrets in them. (Likutay Halachos Chezcas Mitaltalin, 5, 11).

It is impossible to come to Eretz Israel and to overcome all of the obstacles without happiness, which is the aspect of the ten types of music. This is the meaning of the Passuk “that He will bring us with happiness to our land”. (Likutay Halachos)

Saying the names of tzaddikim is a very very wondrous and awesome thing and it helps one very much in the service of Hashem. It also helps one merit to come to Eretz Israel since it is impossible to come to Eretz Israel without the power of the true tzaddikim as it says, “tzaddikim will inherit the land”. (Otzar Hayirah)

It is impossible for a person to merit the holiness of Eretz Israel, which is the aspect of perfect faith in chiddush of the world without the true tzaddikim since the main Eretz Israel is merited through the tzaddikim as it says “tzaddikim will inherit the land”.

Therefore through searching for the tzaddik and coming close to him and attending to him with one’s body, soul and money, this saves one from the searching (longing?) of the ‘other side’ that is always running after money, since coming close to the tzaddik the desire for money is fixed and through this one merits Eretz Israel. (Likutay Halachos).

Rabbi Nachman’s Trip to Eretz Israel

There is a lot to say about his trip to Eretz Israel with regard to the great suffering that he went through on the way there and on the way back and the great effort and the obstacles that he had before he came to Eretz Israel. (Shivchay Haran 20).

And it is impossible to explain the greatness of the perception that he attained in Eretz Israel. it is unheard of that one born from woman could attain such high perceptions through the air of Eretz Israel.

Also at the end of his days he said that he sustains himself a lot with the fact that he merited being in Eretz Israel. (Shivchay Haran 24)

How fortunate we are that Hashem gave us the holiness of Israel. He (Rebbi Nachman) said that he has a lot of happiness over the fact that he merited being in Eretz Israel. For there are many obstacles, confusions, difficulties, financial problems and arguments he had about his trip to Eretz Israel and he overcame all of them and completed the act perfectly and made it to Eretz Israel. (Sichos Haran 11).

Even though his perception was very very great before [he came to Eretz Israel] ?? I did not understand some words here?? Since even before Eretz Israel his perception was very very high without limit. Afterwards when he came from Eretz Israel all of his perceptions from before Eretz Israel were like nothing and he was embarrassed of them. Also afterward he continued to rise constantly without limit in a way that the mouth cannot speak and the heart cannot fathom. (Sichos Haran 174)

The amazing story of the Rebbe’s trip to Eretz Israel appears in the books Shivchay Haran and Chayey Moharan under the chapter heading “The Trip To Eretz Israel”. The book “Yimay Moranat” tells about the trip of Rabbi Nasan to Eretz Israel.

Run Away to Eretz Israel

The greatness of Eretz Israel is so great it cannot be fathomed. As we see, the whole torah from the beginning to the end is filled with the praise of Eretz Israel and all of the promises that Hashem made to the forefathers Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov were mainly about inheriting the land. Similarly all of the redemption and exile from Egypt by Moshe Rabbinu of blessed memory was to merit coming to Eretz Israel. From all this, one can see and understand from afar the greatness of the holiness of Eretz Israel since Hashem promises us so much about it. In particular one who studies the gamara, medrash, Zohar hakadosh and other holy books will see that it is clear in all of them the greatness of the holiness of Eretz Israel and the greatness of one who lives there or even merits to walk for ells in it. Therefore, if one truly believes in the holiness of Eretz Israel even a thousandth of what it really is would surely run and fly to Eretz Israel with all of his strength and nothing would stop him. (Likutay Halachos)

Every Jewish person has a part of Eretz Israel, and there is our life, our holiness, our house, our land, our ground, our portion, and our lot. Outside of Israel we live like a guest ??word I do not know?? and in the streets, since this(outside of Eretz Israel) is not our land and portion at all. Therefore it is called Chotz LaAretz meaning out of the land since there we stand outside literally and there is no one to take us home until we come to our holy land.

The main success of the battle is when one merits coming to Eretz Israel… and he (Rebbi Nachman) said in these words “one who wants to be a Jew (Yihudy) meaning to go from one level to the next, it is impossible without Eretz Israel, and when one wins the war then ??words I do not know?? only when one wins the war then he is a man of war”.

I (Rav Nasson) asked him “what are you referring to when you said that Eretz Israel is so great that it is the main victory of the war?” He scorned me and said “I meant this Eretz Israel simply with these houses and dwellings…” meaning his intention in discussing the greatness of Eretz Israel was simply about this Eretz Israel that the Jews go to. He wanted that every Jew that wants to be a real Jew even though he has many deterrents should break them all and go there since it is the main victory of the battle when one merits coming to Eretz Israel…

This is what shone to my heart and strengthened me so much to pass over all of the many obstacles that I had and come to Eretz Israel. Blessed is Hashem who helped me break through all of the barriers and confusions and come there in peace and to return in peace. (Chayay Moharan)

One must ask Hashem that he should have a longing for Eretz Israel until he merits coming there. Also one should ask that all of the tzaddikim should have a longing for Eretz Israel, this is a segula for nullifying anger and sadness. (Likutay Moharan 155)

Faith – Providence

Through setelling Eretz Israel Hashem’s providence is gained over the world.

Eretz Israel is a culmination of the holiness that is in all of the holinesses and there one merits leaving nature and knowing and believing that everything is completely divinely planned which is the culmination of all holiness. Through this one can compare to Hashem and differentiate between light and darkness and then one can tell stories of true tzaddikim and then one merits through this to purify the mind and sweeten the harshness and to be saved from all of the suffering. (Kitzur Likuay Moharan 234, 3)

The main faith (which is the aspect of prayer and miracles) is only in Eretz Israel, and there is the main uplifting of the prayers. And one can affect what he needs and cause true miracles through his prayers. (Likuay Moharan 7)

The main holiness of Israel is that Hashem’s providence is there constantly. In the future when the whole world will be renewed in the aspect of Eretz Israel then the whole world will be governed through providence alone and nature will be completely nullified.

The Price of Eretz Yisrael

It is in Hashem's great kindness that He punishes a person measure for measure since in this way the person understands which sin he transgressed, and he repents for it. And, in Eretz Yisrael Hashem pays a person mesure for measure more so than anywhere else, because it is there that they are exacting to "repay a man according to his deeds." (Psalms 62:13) This is hinted to in the verse, "a land that eats (OCHeLeT) its inhabitants." (Numbers 13:32) The word OCHeLeT (eats) is an acronym for, "Ata Teshalem Le'ish Kema'asehu - You repay man according to his deeds." (Psalms 60:2)

Kitzur Likutei Moharan 187

A person must endure many hardships and obstacles before going [to Eretz Yisrae]. Once, the Rebbe z"l was explaining the unbelievable obstacles and dangers he had to endure while in Istanbul, and how he was in grave danger before arriving in Eretz Yisrael. He then told us that we would be able to come to Eretz Yisrael with ease. He insisted that we would not have to overcome the same obstacles and dangers that he had to. If we desire to go to Eretz Yisrael was can do so very easily. But, nevertheless we must certainly be willing to suffer and break through many obstacles before going there [Eretz Yisrael]. This is because Eretz Yisrael is one of the three things Hashem gave the Jewish people, which must be obtained through suffering. (Brachos 5a) Once the Rebbe z"l said, "It seems that there are so many Jews who have a tremendous desire to go to Eretz Yisrael, but only if it is comfortable for them. If they must endure misery and stress they really have no desire whatsoever. Such a desire is not real. Someone who truly longs to go to Eretz Yisrael will be willing to walk there by foot, as it is said to Avraham, "Go (Lech Lecha)" - literally to walk [on foot].

Chayei Moharan

It is impossible to to go to Eretz Yisrael except through suffering. The main component of this suffering is from the obstacles set up by the wicked, ie those who slander the Land.

Likutei Moharan 20

Eretz Yisrael - The Tzaddik

It is impossible to come to truth except by drawing close to true tzaddikim and following their advice, and without deviating to the right or to the left from their words. And, in this way truth is etched upon a person and he merits faith, prayer, Eretz Yisrael, and miracles. The Redemption will come about through all these things.

Kitzur Likutei Moharan 7

Through the holiness of Eretz Yisrael one merits learning from the true Rebbe, and truth will be revealed throughout the world. And, through this everything returns to Hashem - even the nations of the world - to serve Hashem together.

Likutei Eitzos

The degree to which one merits binding himself to the True Tzaddik determines the portion of Eretz Yisrae he inherits.

Likutei Eitzos

Eretz Yisrael receives its holiness from the Tzaddik, for from him comes all the blessings and all bounty.

Likutei Eitzos

Eretz Yisrael is merited through the Torah that the Tzaddik draws down into the world. Erezt Yisrael, when coupled with coming close to the True Tzaddik, is related to complete faith, where one is tied up with a "holy rope". Whoever comes close to the Tzaddik and to Eretz Yisrael is tied to Hashem Yisborach with the holy rope forever, and this knot will never be disconnected or destroyed.

Eretz Yisrael - The Tzaddik

The graves of True Tzaddikim are sanctified with the holiness of Eretz Yisrael, as it is written, "The Tzaddikim will inherit the land." (Tehillim 37:29) Eretz Yisrael is an enormous rectification for a blemish of one's covenant, and therefore one must push himself to visit the graves of Tzaddikim. Their graves are imbued with much holiness and visiting them is a great rectification of one's bris.

Likutei Moharan 109

But, the rule is this: to be happy and to be happy, etc. You should all be joyous, for you are dwelling in the shade of the Holy Land, and you presumably desire and yearn to wrestle in the dust of the grave of the awesome and holy one who dug and found the root of the holiness of Eretz Yisrael as is alluded to in his holy and pleasant books. And, those of us who are here are happy to wrestle in the dust of the holy and awesome grave of he who dug and found the root of the holiness of Eretz Yisrael. We desire and yearn to be in the dust of the Holy earth - the Holy Land. Hashem amasses our vigorous longing until He will ensure that everything is good for us, Amen, It should be His will. -With a true love, Nachman, son of my master, father, and teacher R' Avraham HaLevi

Alim LeTerufah Letter 502

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