Abuhav Synagogue

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The Abuhav Synagogue is located in Tzfat in Northern Israel. It was original created during the 16th Century and was named after Rabbi Yitzchak Abuhav. It is one of the older synagogues in Safed and is currently a tourist attraction for the city's visitors. Three minyonim a day take place in the Abuhav Synagogue as well as the Shabbot services.
Tradition relates that Rabbi Abuhav, a Spanish (some say Portuguese) 15th century rabbi, built the Abuhav synagogue in Spain (or Portugal) and it magically transported to Tzfat. Others say that he planned out the synagogue in his homeland and commissioned its construction in Tzfat. Rabbi Abuhav handwrote a Torah scroll which is still in use at the shul.
Tradition relates that Rabbi Abuhav, a Spanish (some say Portuguese) 15th century rabbi, built the Abuhav synagogue in Spain (or Portugal) and it magically transported to Tzfat. Others say that he planned out the synagogue in his homeland and commissioned its construction in Tzfat. Rabbi Abuhav handwrote a Torah scroll which is still in use at the shul.

Revision as of 19:31, 4 October 2011

The Abuhav Synagogue is located in Tzfat in Northern Israel. It was original created during the 16th Century and was named after Rabbi Yitzchak Abuhav. It is one of the older synagogues in Safed and is currently a tourist attraction for the city's visitors. Three minyonim a day take place in the Abuhav Synagogue as well as the Shabbot services.

Tradition relates that Rabbi Abuhav, a Spanish (some say Portuguese) 15th century rabbi, built the Abuhav synagogue in Spain (or Portugal) and it magically transported to Tzfat. Others say that he planned out the synagogue in his homeland and commissioned its construction in Tzfat. Rabbi Abuhav handwrote a Torah scroll which is still in use at the shul.

The original Abuhav synagogue was built in the existing 15th century Jewish Quarter, near the cemetery. After it was destroyed in the 1759 earthquake, survivors moved the Torah scroll, which had remained intact, to a safer area and rebuilt the synagogue further up the mountain.

The synagogue was almost completely destroyed in the 1837 earthquake that leveled the town. The wall holding the Ark and the synagogue’s Torah scrolls, including Rabbi Abuhav’s Torah scroll, remained standing. Several years after the earthquake a philanthropist, Yitzhak Gueta, committed funds to rebuild the synagogue. He brought in architects, builders and craftsmen to create a beautiful shul.

The synagogue was constructed in the style of a Sepharadi -- Mediterranean and North African -- synagogue. The “Bima” -- the area where the person leading the prayers stands -- is elevated in the center of the men’s section of the synagogue. There are six steps leading up to the bima, representing the six days of the week which lead up to the week’s “crown”, the Sabbath. The women’s section is upstairs and women have a separate door that leads them to their area.

The ceiling has several connecting domes, ringed with painted designs of birds and other animals. The synagogue’s interior contains a large percentage of blue, the Kabbalistic symbol of the heavens. Many people call the Abuhav synagogue “The Blue Synagogue.”

Rabbi Abuhav’s Torah scroll, along with other old scrolls, is still housed in the same Ark which survived the 1837 earthquake. Congregants only take out the Abuhav scroll on three specific Jewish holidays, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Shavouth (Festival of Weeks). Two other Arks sit alongside the Ark containing the Rabbi Abuhav scroll. One is used to store old manuscripts and books while the other holds the Torah scrolls used during the rest of the year. During the era when the Turks ruled Israel, Turkish law stated that any non-Islamic place of prayer must also hold a copy of the Koran. Therefore, during Turkish rule, one Ark held the Koran.

The Abuhav Synagogue experienced a modern-day miracle during the 2006 Second Lebanon War. The Abuhav Shul is two doors away from the Alsheich Synagogue. A katyusha rocket landed in-between the two synagogues, alongside the Abuhav’s southern wall. The building where the rocket landed was completely destroyed but neither the Abuhav’s Torah scrolls nor the Alsheich, the oldest standing synagogue in Tzfat, were affected.

The Abuhav synagogue is located on Abuhav Street. It has daily “minyans” -- prayer quorums -- including a “Netz” early morning minyan. The congregants at Abuhav follow Sepharadi prayer traditions. During the month of “Elul” preceeding Rosh Hashana (the Jewish New Year) and in the days between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, many visitors come to Abuhav throughout the night to experience the moving “Slichot” penitence prayers.

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